Ms. L. was chronically homeless and struggling to find stable housing, in part due to being deaf and living with a disability. A 46-year-old Las Vegas resident, she joined Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada’s Rapid Rehousing program in 2021, working closely and diligently over time to find an apartment in Las Vegas with the assistance of her assigned case manager. After some time, her case manager identified an apartment complex and worked closely with the complex’s property manager to install appropriate equipment throughout the apartment to accommodate Ms. L’s hearing impairment and comply with HUD guidelines.
Once the accommodations were completed, Ms. L was finally able to move into a space of her own. A few months after settling into her new home, Ms. L secured a position working for FedEx. She expressed to her case manager during one of their meetings that she loves her job so much, she plans to work there until it’s time for her to retire. With the support of the Rapid Rehousing Program and her case manager, Ms. L was able to save enough money to purchase a vehicle of her own to get to and from work. This marked a significant milestone for Ms. L, as this was the first vehicle she had been able to call her own in many years.
After another year, Ms. L contacted her case manager to share that she had found an affordable apartment, and that she wanted to exit the program so that she could be fully self-sufficient. As of early August 2024, Ms. L had graduated from the program and was stable in her job and apartment. Ms. L’s story is just one example of the impact Rapid Rehousing and a housing-first approach can have on individuals facing chronic homelessness, helping them meet their basic needs and find stability and independence.