My name is Ruth.* I arrived to the United States at age nine. Since I arrived, even though I did not fully understand the legalities of my situation, I always lived in fear of being separated from my family due to my legal status in this country. I was always forced to live in the shadows, not being able to fully socialize with other kids since I could not do or enjoy the same things they did, such as going to road trips with my family.
As an adult my situation got even worse, I was not able to continue with my dream of going to college and becoming a prominent lawyer or to work for law enforcement. In fact, I could not even obtain a simple job or drive, much less take road trips with my kids or take them to an emergency room without being asked for proper identification.
When former President Obama introduced DACA, my life completely changed. I was finally able to come out of the shadows and obtain my dream job working at a school and serving my community. I am able to drive my kids around to soccer practices, school events, community service events without being afraid of being stopped and getting deported.
With DACA, I was able to obtain a driver license, buy a house, take my oldest son on a road trip to visit colleges and most recently I was able to help him achieve his dream of being accepted to a four year university. I was also able to go back to school to further my education and soon I will obtain a bachelor’s degree in accounting.
I would have never have been able to reach most of the achievements I have now if it wasn’t for DACA. My future goal is to finish my bachelor’s degree and help my daughter go to college, by supporting her financially and emotionally.
*Name changed to protect privacy.