2020 CCUSA Annual Report: Resilience through Adversity: Responding to Critical Human Need
Despite the enormous challenges posed by the global pandemic in 2020, the Catholic Charities network remained steadfast in our service to the millions struggling with poverty and other complex issues throughout the United States and its territories.
2020 was a year like no other. The COVID-19 pandemic forced children, adults, families and entire communities into despair, and Catholic Charities workers put their lives on the line in response to hunger, homelessness, sickness and death.
The Catholic Charities network served more than 15 million people, including distributing more than 20 million pounds of food, 5 million face masks and shields and more than 15,000 gallons of hand sanitizer. CCUSA assisted the 167 agencies of our network with adjusting their programming and provided support for services including food and shelter programs, eviction prevention and funeral assistance.
In a year when a global pandemic altered how we lived and worked, combined with a call to address social and racial inequities, Catholic Charities responded with the gift of hope to the unprecedented need all across the U.S.
The Catholic Charities network provided $5.1 billion in support through program services and in-kind donations in the first six months of the pandemic.