CCUSA is profoundly disturbed by such continual repetition of acts of indifference to human life
Alexandria, Va. (May 30, 2020) – Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) President and CEO, Sister Donna Markham, OP, PhD, issued the following statement condemning the killing of George Floyd and the continuous acts of violence and indifference to human life:
“These past few days as we watched the news, many of us found ourselves moved to tears over the killing of George Floyd. Our horror at watching the murder of this man on live TV will be something we can never forget. CCUSA is profoundly disturbed by such continual repetition of acts of wanton indifference to human life, especially to the lives of our African American brothers and sisters.
“Community is created by human beings, by our choices and actions. Together we can change things. As we enter into this Pentecost season, we join in prayer that God’s Spirit will lead us to deep conversion of heart and equip us with the wisdom, insight and courage to reject hatred and racism and lead us all to heal our broken nation and our broken hearts. We pray most intently for our black and brown sisters and brothers in this time of extraordinary suffering.”