Showing 97 - 108 of 433 results

Meet Marisol: A journey toward self-sufficiency

Story - July 16, 2021 - Two children, six suitcases and $300. This is all Marisol had when she arrived in Columbus five years ago to start her new life. In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, she’d lost both her home and her job in Puerto Rico. She arrived in Ohio with her savings depleted, but faced an even greater challenge…

Hope for the future

Story - August 2, 2017 - Fina* was thirty-eight when she immigrated to the United States from Italy with her husband and two children. In Milan, she had been a stay-at-home mom, but with her youngest daughter getting ready to start first grade, she was excited to rejoin the workforce and start a new life in the United States. But shortly…

CCUSA comments on rule-making regarding detention of migrant children, families

News - November 6, 2018 - Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) urges U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Department of Homeland Security, to either withdraw the proposed rule entitled “Apprehension, Processing, Care, and Custody of Alien Minors and Unaccompanied Alien Minors” (DHS Docket No. ICEB-2018-002) or to revise the rule so as to mirror the requirements agreed upon in the Flores Agreement. Read…

Faith and promise

Prayer & Reflection - March 19, 2024 - In today’s Mass readings, we encounter the profound connection between faith and promise, echoed in the stories of David, Abraham and Joseph. David receives a promise from God of an enduring dynasty, rooted not in his own merit but in God’s faithfulness. Similarly, Abraham’s righteousness is attributed to his unwavering faith in God’s promises, despite…

CCUSA asks DHS secretary to keep migrant families together

News - March 8, 2017 - Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) implored the Secretary of Homeland Security, John F. Kelly, to reject any immigration enforcement proposals that would separate migrant parents from their children. Sister Donna Markham OP, PhD, president and CEO of CCUSA, wrote a letter to Mr. Kelly asking that the welfare of the children be the central criterion when…

At migration summit, bishops work toward ‘church without borders’

Story - June 3, 2021 - After hearing the story of a Salvadoran immigrant and her plight to leave her home country, bishops from the U.S., Central America and Mexico meeting in Mundelein June 2 turned to a camera facing a woman identified as Maria Antonia. Even though she was who thousands of miles away, in Irving, Texas, they gave her…

Dallas Catholics, faith-based agencies pitch in to help migrant teens

Story - March 23, 2021 - As federal officials announced that a downtown Dallas facility had been chosen to house up to 3,000 migrant teenagers starting the week of March 15, the Catholic faithful in the Diocese of Dallas sprang into action to help. The Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center opened to house unaccompanied migrant teens in U.S. custody, with the…

CCUSA statement on USCIS public charge final rule

News - August 12, 2019 - Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) is deeply concerned with the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) final rule on public charge, scheduled for formal publication in the Federal Register on August 14, 2019.[1]  The rule will harm vulnerable immigrant communities and families by limiting access to social safety net programs and further impact them by removing access…

CCUSA president and CEO addresses humanitarian crisis at the border

News - June 26, 2019 - Alexandria, Va. (June 26, 2019)–The images and stories coming from the border are heart wrenching. Today I beg all persons of good will to reach out and respond generously to the arrival of newcomers. I also beg Congress and the Administration to provide the necessary aid to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis at the U.S.-Mexico…

The Familia Lopez: A SNAP story

Story - January 19, 2021 - By Luz E Acosta, Supervisor at the Center for Working Families, Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan When Elvia Lopez arrived in Michigan she had two kids, she was feeling very alone. Even though she had some acquaintances in town, Elvia felt lost. She didn’t speak English and didn’t know anything about this new country. It was…

Without compassion, ‘I fear we are complicit,’ says Sister Donna Markham

Story - April 7, 2020 - Sr. Donna Markham OP, PhD, is the former president and CEO of Catholic Charities USA. The first woman to lead the organization, which was founded in 1910, Markham was formerly the president of the Behavioral Health Institute for Mercy Health. She is an Adrian Dominican sister and a board-certified clinical psychologist. Catholic Charities USA is…

The only home they’ve ever known: DACA at 10 years

Story - June 15, 2022 - Note: DACA recipients’ names have been changed to protect their identities.  The thrill of being granted DACA protection — the freedom to get a driver’s license, to be eligible for authorized employment, to pay in-state college tuition — might only be overshadowed by the ever-present fear of losing it. On this tenth anniversary of Deferred…