Showing 865 - 876 of 1077 results

An amazing transformation

Story - February 27, 2018 - Mental illness impacts the entire family, not just the individual with a diagnosis. At Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton, the Behavioral Health Services team works with families of consumers, providing education, advocacy and support. Recently, one family was so grateful for the care, they made a monetary donation to Delaware House’s Partial Care and Residential…

Helping seniors move past depression and isolation with community

Story - August 21, 2015 - After a healthy and vibrant life, things had changed. Looking back at that dark period, Jim now says, he had lost his will to live. Jim owned his own company for 40 years, holds a Ph.D, and volunteered as a social worker for a time. But when he retired, his family moved into another state,…

Year of Mercy: Clothe the naked

Prayer & Reflection - March 21, 2016 - Opening Prayer Almighty and merciful God, look with compassion on our affliction, and so lighten your children’s burden and confirm their faith, that they may always trust without hesitation in your gracious providence. Amen. Read Luke 10:25-37 Responsorial Psalm Psalm 25:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7, 10-11 R. But you, Lord, my strength, come quickly to help…

A SOUPer opportunity for women to rebuild lives

Story - January 7, 2019 - Since 1996, Healthy Sisters’ Soup & Bean Works (HSSBW), a program of the Catholic Family Center of Rochester, New York, has been helping women who come from backgrounds of drug abuse, unemployment, and poverty, to become independent, confident, and self-sufficient individuals. HSSBW provides an environment where the women can feel comfortable and be around others…

Those who fed others now in food line themselves, driver says

Story - April 8, 2020 - As he delivers canned goods and other staples to archdiocesan food pantries, Don Devlin can see the impact of the coronavirus firsthand. “I’m seeing longer lines of clients,” said Devlin, a driver for archdiocesan Nutritional Development Services (NDS). “And the people who used to donate to the food cupboards are now in those lines.” A…

Find a Local Agency

Agency Locator The 168 agencies of the nationwide Catholic Charities network offer a broad array of services to all people in need. Please note that the Catholic Charities USA national membership office in Alexandria, Virginia, does not provide direct services to clients.

Human trafficking survivor shares her story

Story - July 26, 2019 - After almost two decades of abuse, two kidnappings, escapes and almost getting killed, human trafficking survivor, Flor Turcio, shared her story of terror and how Catholic Charities of Central Florida helped her through it. When Catholic Charities caseworker, Rosa Alamo, first spoke to Turcio in 2013, she was shocked. “It was something like a movie…

Homeland Security decision doesn’t surprise Catholics at border

Story - May 21, 2020 - The recent decision by the Department of Homeland Security to extend restrictions on nonessential crossings of the southern border due to the COVID-19 pandemic did not surprise Catholics who work with migrants in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands. They said the decision, which includes a freeze on asylum claims and the immediate expulsion of migrants, only deepened…

Filling a gap for people who need mental health care

Story - April 12, 2018 - When Kim’s world came crashing down around her, she remembered something her mother always told her, “When you’re in need, go to church.” Four years before, Kim’s brother died suddenly in a car crash, leaving her the sole caretaker of her mother, as her father had died of Parkinson’s years before. Soon after, her mother…

Dallas Catholics, faith-based agencies pitch in to help migrant teens

Story - March 23, 2021 - As federal officials announced that a downtown Dallas facility had been chosen to house up to 3,000 migrant teenagers starting the week of March 15, the Catholic faithful in the Diocese of Dallas sprang into action to help. The Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center opened to house unaccompanied migrant teens in U.S. custody, with the…

CARES Act helps, but there’s room to improve

Story - April 7, 2020 - In an interview with America magazine, Brian Corbin, executive vice president for Member Services at Catholic Charities USA, said the the CARES Act does a lot for Catholic Charities agencies in the U.S. in terms of government relief, but “there’s room to improve.” From the interview: “Mr. Corbin said the vast majority of the nation’s…

The mandate to loving service

Prayer & Reflection - March 28, 2024 - I don’t know about you, but as I move on in years, things seem to move on faster! I won’t give my age… Yet here we are again in Holy Week and the start of our sacred Triduum with Holy Thursday. Over the years, I have written a number of reflections on this day of…