Showing 829 - 840 of 1077 results

To choose adoption is a choice of love

Story - October 29, 2019 - When Dagny Bartlett became pregnant, her boyfriend walked out of her life. Without a large support network, Dagny thought it would be best to place her daughter for adoption. Still she had worries. “I don’t know if at that time in my life I could have even parented a child,” Dagny said. “It was scary.…

The Family Reunification Program: Trauma-informed care in action

Story - October 18, 2018 - Staff at the Family Reunification Program (FRP) at Catholic Charities of Baltimore’s Esperanza Center use the trauma-informed care approach every day to care for recently arrived migrant children travelling without a parent or legal guardian and their families with whom they have been reunited. “Most of the children are coming from the northern triangle: Honduras,…

Big shoes to fill for a young man in need

Story - March 14, 2019 - Did you ever stop to realize how many times in a day or even in your life that things happen at just the right time? That the stars all seem to be aligned, and that everything you need happens not always in your time, or in your way, but in God’s way. I believe that…

A journal of recovery efforts in U.S. Virgin Islands: September 18, 2017

Story - September 19, 2017 - The first word about Hurricane Irma reached our cozy retirement home in southern Indiana on Labor Day, bringing with it stark memories of the terrors and hardship inflicted by previous storms on our long-time home in the U.S. Virgin Islands, as well as fears for good friends there now and for the island community that…

Making room in your hearts: The wonder of foster parenting

Story - October 29, 2019 - Catholic Charities Community Services of Phoenix (CCCS) provides education, coaching and support to parents who have been approved for foster care by the state of Arizona. Cheryl and Nick are one couple who have benefited from CCCS’ resources. “We actually looked at several organizations, but chose Catholic Charities,” Nick said. Cheryl added that their choice…

Catholic Charities of Buffalo provides workforce training

Story - November 13, 2020 - Catholic Charities of Buffalo, in conjunction with the Buffalo & Erie County Workforce Investment Board and C-Tech Associates, hosted the first graduation ceremony in Western New York for the C-Tech training program. Students received industry-recognized certificates in network cabling, copper and fiber optics, 5G systems, and grounding and bonding through the intensive 4-week training. Eight…

Hope for the future

Story - August 25, 2017 - When the flood of December 2015 submerged Jefferson County, the “M” family’s home sustained major damage. The mother, father, and two sons evacuated, but they returned to living in the house because they did not have any family or neighbors who could accommodate them. The stress of living in such difficult conditions took a savage…

Amid COVID-19 pandemic, pope prays for plight of the homeless

Story - April 2, 2020 - During his livestreamed daily morning Mass, Pope Francis prayed that the coronavirus pandemic may awaken people’s consciences to the plight of homeless men and women suffering in the world. At the start of the April 2 Mass in the chapel at his residence, the Domus Sanctae Marthae, the pope said he was struck by a…

More than just money: Rental program offers stability, confidence

Story - November 10, 2020 - Kelly Miller works with people coming out of prison, helping them find housing, jobs and whatever else they need to be successful as they reintegrate back into society. She knows how hard it can be to find affordable housing. And because she works for a social services nonprofit in New Jersey, she can fully empathize…

Outdoorsman comes inside and finds himself

Story - September 13, 2018 - Rayenell admits to messing up his marriage and a good, long-term job. “After that, I just didn’t care anymore; I wanted to be left alone.” The Illinois native endured 20 years of homelessness. “Indoors, outdoors, on the river and it wasn’t anybody’s fault but mine.” Over the years, Rayenell learned how to get what he…

Pandemic is time to forgive debts, cardinal suggests

Story - April 2, 2020 - “Could the coronavirus-19 crisis lead to a jubilee?” Filipino Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle wondered out loud during a Mass livestreamed from the Pontifical Philippine College in Rome. Preaching March 29 about the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, Cardinal Tagle looked at a variety of ways people can be in “tombs” and in…

Martha’s Choice Marketplace staff sing a pandemic song

Story - October 29, 2020 - Please enjoy a song from the staff of Martha’s Choice Marketplace, Catholic Social Services Archdiocese of Philadelphia, that celebrates and encourages people coming together to help each other during the COVID-19 pandemic.