Showing 769 - 780 of 1092 results

CCUSA, CRS, USCCB offer moral criteria for ongoing budget debate

News - May 18, 2023 - As the President and congressional leaders continue discussions this week regarding the debt ceiling, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Charities USA, and Catholic Relief Services wrote to Congress to address the moral and human dimensions of the ongoing budget debate. In light of the national deficit and inflation, Congress faces difficult choices…

CCUSA statement on USCIS public charge final rule

News - August 12, 2019 - Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) is deeply concerned with the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) final rule on public charge, scheduled for formal publication in the Federal Register on August 14, 2019.[1]  The rule will harm vulnerable immigrant communities and families by limiting access to social safety net programs and further impact them by removing access…

Community Eligibility Provision helps feed kids

Story - June 14, 2016 - Asked about a positive change in federal programs for child nutrition, Lorraine Knight, Executive Director of Nutritional Development Services (NDS) in Philadelphia, and Anne Ayella, Director of Community Relations for NDS, were quick to answer: the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) in the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010. CEP allows a school that already…

A seat at the heavenly banquet

Prayer & Reflection - February 28, 2024 - As a parent, I can relate to the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee, in today’s gospel when she asks Jesus if her sons might sit beside him in the Kingdom of Heaven. I always want the best for my child, too — the best friends, the best teachers, and, when applicable, the…

CCUSA asks Congress to provide for Afghan refugees, vulnerable people

News - September 21, 2021 - As Congress considers a continuing resolution (CR) to provide interim funding for fiscal year 2022, Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) urges Congress to address funding needs for Afghan resettlement, disaster relief and social safety net programs to protect vulnerable people. CCUSA and its 167 member agencies operate 3,000 sites across 50 states and the territories, providing…

Healing stories

Story - January 29, 2018 - Jonathan opens a bright purple folder, filled with copies of his handwritten stories. Behind his brown-framed glasses, his friendly eyes dance as he reads each carefully chosen word. Jonathan has attended Catholic Charities St. Ailbe Adult Day Services Center for five years and it’s provided him with an audience to share his work. St Ailbe…

Thursday of the third week of Advent, 2022

Prayer & Reflection - December 15, 2022 - Today’s first reading ends with a promise from God: “Though the mountains leave their place and the hills be shaken, my love shall never leave you.” (Isaiah 54:10) Who among us has not felt abandoned in times of distress? We all carry wounds from what we have done and what others have done to us. …

Gang member now mentors others to avoid life on the streets

Story - August 25, 2015 - Jose has seen what life in a gang had to offer, but got out of life on the streets thanks to Catholic Charities. Now, he’s mentoring youth in the neighborhood he grew up in, helping them avoid the gang lifestyle. Jose was a member of a local gang when he decided to turn his life…

Gorilla Marketing, Hit Promotional Products raise pandemic funds for CCUSA

News - March 31, 2020 - Practice Safe 6’™ Shirt to Promote Positive Social Distancing While Raising Funds to Meet the Needs of the Most Vulnerable  [RIVERSIDE, CA; ALEXANDRIA, VA; LARGO, FL; March 31, 2020] – Gorilla Marketing, Hit Promotional Products, and Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) announce a unique collaboration that promotes positive social distancing and puts needed resources to work…