Showing 649 - 660 of 1091 results

A seat at the heavenly banquet

Prayer & Reflection - February 28, 2024 - As a parent, I can relate to the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee, in today’s gospel when she asks Jesus if her sons might sit beside him in the Kingdom of Heaven. I always want the best for my child, too — the best friends, the best teachers, and, when applicable, the…

Thursday of the third week of Advent, 2022

Prayer & Reflection - December 15, 2022 - Today’s first reading ends with a promise from God: “Though the mountains leave their place and the hills be shaken, my love shall never leave you.” (Isaiah 54:10) Who among us has not felt abandoned in times of distress? We all carry wounds from what we have done and what others have done to us. …

Gang member now mentors others to avoid life on the streets

Story - August 25, 2015 - Jose has seen what life in a gang had to offer, but got out of life on the streets thanks to Catholic Charities. Now, he’s mentoring youth in the neighborhood he grew up in, helping them avoid the gang lifestyle. Jose was a member of a local gang when he decided to turn his life…

Celebrating the farmworkers whose labor fills our tables

Story - July 2, 2020 - A Blog Post from Greg Kepferle, CEO Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County “Here they come!” The excited shouts spread through the group of volunteers with cellphone cameras held high. The slow majestic procession of gleaming cars glided by, metal inches from the ground, musical beats pulsing the air. There was something different about these…

Catholic Charities of Eastern Oklahoma

Member - October 25, 2018 - From pregnancy care to end-of-life care, and everything in between, our 15 programs and seven locations serve those in need across Eastern Oklahoma. We are the largest provider of food to individuals in need in the state of Oklahoma, but we also provide dental care, adult education, immigration legal services, transitional living for pregnant women…

Community gardening nourishing more than bodies

Story - May 20, 2016 - As I reflect on the last few days of work on the farm, our Farm for ME project of Catholic Charities Food Bank program, I am pondering some of the events that occurred. We have been working for weeks with sparse help and mother nature biting our heals with high humidity, hot temperatures and a…

USDA adjusts food programs during pandemic to help those in need

Story - January 19, 2021 - By Kimberly Mazyck, Senior Manager, Engagement and Educational Outreach, Catholic Charities USA According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Household Food Insecurity in the United States report, more than 35 million people struggled with hunger in 2019.  In 2020, due to the impact of the pandemic, the number is moving toward 50 million people experiencing food insecurity, including 17 million children. The…

CCUSA shares story of refugee newcomer to the U.S.

Story - September 28, 2017 - Pope Francis launched the Share the Journey campaign from St. Peter’s Square on September 27, 2017. The campaign, which encourages everyone to welcome with open arms those people who have been displaced from their homelands and to listen to their stories, will run through September 2019. Catholic Charities USA, along with the United States Conference…

It can happen to you: A wonderful adoption story

Story - October 29, 2019 - Tiffany and Cody struggled with infertility. They spent a lot of time and money on doctor visits, medications, and procedures. At one point, they knew it wasn’t going to work. “We did all of this for nothing,” Tiffany remembers thinking. But she also says that their marriage became “stronger because of what we went through.”…

A place to call home: CCUSA magazine features housing ministry

News - May 8, 2019 - Alexandria, Va. – Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) and its 167 member agencies want to keep a promise made 70 years ago. The Housing Act of 1949, part of President Harry Truman’s Fair Deal program, listed as one of its goals a decent home and a suitable living environment for every family. The goal has not…