Showing 613 - 624 of 1076 results

The American Dream, unraveled

Story - July 2, 2019 - Marie and Bob worked all their lives to become homeowners. They lived comfortably on their two stable incomes. But six years ago, their hard-earned American Dream started to unravel before their eyes. They found out they had been victims of predatory lending, and they were forced to foreclose, declare bankruptcy, and move out of their…

Hurricane recovery ongoing, two years later

Story - June 12, 2019 - Hurricane season 2019 has arrived, but did you know Catholic Charities of Central Florida (CCCF) is still working to assist local families who haven’t recovered from storms two years ago? The 2017 hurricane season was one of the most active on record. Hurricane Irma hit Florida’s southern coast on September 10 as a category 3…

Finding foster care support for a very full house

Story - March 26, 2021 - Rebecca has always wanted to adopt. Inspired by the selflessness of Mother Teresa, Rebecca took her famous words to heart: “There are no great things, only small things done with great love.” “I try to live a life that helps others,” explained Rebecca, managing attorney of a statewide nonprofit that advocates for people with disabilities.…

The Border is Everywhere initiative

Story - June 1, 2021 - By Kat Kelley, MSW, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Catholic Charities of Oregon The humanitarian crisis on the southern U.S. border has garnered national and international attention over the last few years. Images of unaccompanied minors in massive congregate shelters and young families traumatized and weary after crossing multiple international borders – often on foot – have…

Elderly couple survives, thrives after Hurricane Ian

Story - May 9, 2023 - ORLANDO | James and Phyllis Masteller weathered many hurricanes in their more than 80 years of life, but none like Hurricane Ian. Living in Naples Land Yacht Harbor, close to a canal and just one mile from the coast, the couple planned to evacuate because of heavy winds set to slice right through the city.…

As parishes reopen, mental and spiritual health care need attention

Story - May 13, 2020 - When parishioners begin returning to their churches as pandemic restrictions are gradually lifted, the buildings will look the same, but the environment might feel different because of new social-distancing measures. For example, in Houston, a young adult woman who went to Sunday Mass the first weekend in May when her parish reopened for public Mass,…

Bishop urges parishes to network to serve the most vulnerable

Story - March 17, 2021 - For a society, a world, struggling through “a time of pervasive darkness,” Youngstown Bishop David J. Bonnar asked: “What are we to do in the midst of this long night?” In his pastoral letter to diocesan Catholics, titled “Testify to the Light,” he also asks: “How do we help one another to come out of…

Parishes and the pandemic

Story - August 11, 2020 - By Scott Hurd, Vice President, Leadership Formation, CCUSA Following a disaster, impacted communities typically gather together to pray: for help and hope, survivors and victims, resiliency and recovery. But that wasn’t possible after the coronavirus hit, as church doors were shuttered to help prevent spread of the disease. At the same time, parish programs were cancelled…

Pandemic adds increasing burdens on immigrants without legal status

Story - April 2, 2020 - From a darkened room, the immigrant spoke in mid-March via Skype to a reporter from the TV station Guatevision, which focuses on issues pertaining to Guatemalans in and outside of the country. He told her that in Ohio, where he lives, though the community has been generally kind without regard to a person’s immigration status,…

The rewarding work of refugee employment services during COVID-19

Story - November 28, 2021 - By David Werning, Managing Editor Imagine this scenario: you don’t know English, you lost your job, and you’re worrying about how – or if – you will recover. This situation did not have to be imagined by 225 refugees in the Cincinnati area during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, 31 of whom were…

With children’s prayers nearby, bishops try to tackle immigration

Story - June 2, 2021 - Prayers, the kind only a child can make, were on display on a table of pleas written by migrant children near a small statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, as bishops from the U.S., Mexico and Central America gathered June 1 in Mundelein. The prelates came together for the first day of an emergency meeting…