Showing 601 - 612 of 662 results

In new term, Supreme Court once again takes up religious liberty

Story - August 22, 2020 - As part of what seems to be a new trend for the Supreme Court, it will once again take up a religious liberty case in its new term with oral arguments Nov. 4 in a case about a Catholic social service agency excluded from Philadelphia’s foster care program for not accepting same-sex couples as foster…

Catholic Charities Miami offers help after ‘heartbreaking’ building collapse

Story - June 25, 2021 - Staff members with Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami were on location and developing a response strategy June 24 near the stunning wreckage of a partially collapsed beachfront high-rise apartment building. As of early June 25, some 159 people who lived in the 12-story building remained unaccounted for, according to local law enforcement officials.…

Spa day event empowers women

Story - January 19, 2018 - Project HOPE (Homeless Outreach Partnership Effort) organized a “Spa Day” for women experiencing homelessness and those dangerously close to homelessness. The event, which took place on Sunday, Jan. 7, came about through a partnership with Catholic Charities West Virginia (CCWVa). The “Spa Day” was held for approximately 30 women at the Catholic Charities Neighborhood Center…

CCUSA statement on USCIS public charge final rule

News - August 12, 2019 - Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) is deeply concerned with the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) final rule on public charge, scheduled for formal publication in the Federal Register on August 14, 2019.[1]  The rule will harm vulnerable immigrant communities and families by limiting access to social safety net programs and further impact them by removing access…

Uplifting parents: From mentee to math teacher

Story - November 18, 2020 - When Tyresha Riquelmy-Yankton first entered Catholic Social Services’ Uplifting Parents Program (UP) in 2019, she was hesitant about the mentoring that she would be asked to do twice each month with a UP mentor. “At first I thought, ‘I don’t need anyone to talk to, I’m fine!’” Tyresha said. But as she started to get…

In New Orleans, celebrating one man’s journey out of homelessness

Story - February 11, 2022 - By Ben Wortham, Vice President of Behavioral Health Integration, CCUSA  In the six months before New Orleans Emergency Medical Services (EMS) referred Jose to Catholic Charities New Orleans (CCANO), he called 911 a total of 55 times, making him the service’s number-one caller. At 46, Jose was a jokester who spoke broken English and had…

Victim helps police convict human traffickers

Story - December 11, 2018 - Carlos*, at 17, was caught up in the raid of a chicken farm in Ohio. As a minor, Carlos had been staying at a juvenile shelter run by the Office of Refugee Resettlement. The housing ended when he turned 18. Shortly after his eighteenth birthday, Carlos was referred to Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Boston through…

The unexpected, the Divine

Prayer & Reflection - December 12, 2023 - Nuestra Senora de Gaudalupe today celebrates this most blessed Patroness of the Americas and of Americans (South, Central and North). To consider this for a moment, what an unusual Patroness we have: a mestiza woman expecting a child. In the cosmology of our Church, and across global faith traditions, this is not a common sign…

Good Friday, 2023

Prayer & Reflection - April 7, 2023 - Isaiah sings the Song of the Suffering Servant; the words have hard edges and the melody is wrenching. It is an intimate Song, and that’s where the pain of Divine rejection is sharply revealed. Good Friday is one of the most powerful days of the year for us as believers. God goes to the mat…

Driving for charity

Story - August 2, 2017 - Rick has been driving for Catholic Social Services’ Transportation Program for more than 11 years. He helps many clients get to their non-emergency medical appointments, and according to Rick, his client, Gerry, is one of the biggest Ohio State fans. “My husband was an alumnus,” Gerry says. “We had season tickets to the football games,…

CCUSA responds to proposed SNAP work requirements, calls for protections

News - March 27, 2019 - Alexandria, Va. – Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA), the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and the National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul appreciate the opportunity to provide comments to the United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service’s above-referenced notice of proposed rulemaking. While we welcome efforts…

Catholic Charities ‘Care Cards’: Fuel for health care workers

Story - April 6, 2020 - Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Baton Rouge on Saturday launched its “Catholic Charities Care Cards” initiative, releasing $10,000 of gasoline cards to health care workers who are selflessly serving on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis. “These workers are putting themselves at risk to protect the rest of us. We hope this action…