Showing 565 - 576 of 662 results

An adopteeā€™s long search brings the joy of new family

Story - July 22, 2020 - A few weeks before Christmas, Shari Pasanowic got a holiday surprise: She learned she had an older sister who had been given up for adoption as a baby. Shari was curious but hesitant to hunt for her newfound sibling. ā€œI got nervous, like what if she doesnā€™t know sheā€™s adopted, or she didnā€™t know we…

Community approaches to food security for seniors

Story - March 21, 2019 - According to the Administration on Aging, the number of seniors in our population is on the rise and will continue to rise as the Baby Boomer generation gets older. Just three years ago, this population represented almost 15 percent of the population (about 1 in 7 Americans), an amount that represented a 28 percent increase…

Multnomah County to expand free meals after COVID impacts options

Story - April 9, 2020 - In an effort to bolster the prevalence of free meals around Portland, the city-county Joint Office of Homeless Services will directly pay meal providers. The step is unusual. The city and county has largely relied on private nonprofits and donations to serve meals to homeless and low-income people without direct county taxpayer subsidies. But those…

The Family Reunification Program: Trauma-informed care in action

Story - October 18, 2018 - Staff at the Family Reunification Program (FRP) at Catholic Charities of Baltimoreā€™s Esperanza Center use the trauma-informed care approach every day to care for recently arrived migrant children travelling without a parent or legal guardian and their families with whom they have been reunited. ā€œMost of the children are coming from the northern triangle: Honduras,…

CCUSA letter of support for Afghan Adjustment Act

News - August 24, 2022 - The Honorable Nancy PelosiSpeaker, U.S. House of RepresentativesWashington, D.C., 20515 The Honorable Kevin McCarthyRepublican Leader Minority Leader, U.S. House of RepresentativesWashington, D.C., 20510 The Honorable Charles SchumerMajority Leader, U.S. SenateWashington, D.C., 20510 The Honorable Mitch McConnellMinority Leader, U.S. SenateWashington, D.C., 20515 Dear Speaker Pelosi, Leader McCarthy, Leader Schumer and Leader McConnell: I write on behalf…

Pope prays for U.S., calls racism a pro-life issue

Story - June 3, 2020 - Observing with great concern the social unrest unfolding in the United States, Pope Francis said no one can claim to defend the sanctity of every human life while turning a blind eye to racism and exclusion. Addressing all “dear brothers and sisters in the United Statesā€ during his livestreamed general audience June 3, the pope…

Ministries getting food, diapers to families during pandemic

Story - March 23, 2020 - As area residents grapple with school and business closures due to the coronavirus, Archdiocese of Philadelphia outreaches are working to provide food and diapers to families in need. Nutritional Development Services (NDS) will continue to offer federally funded meals to children at 13 sites throughout Philadelphia, Chester, Norristown and Upland, said executive director Lizanne Hagedorn.…

Listen for the voice of justice

Prayer & Reflection - March 15, 2024 - Let us beset the just one, because he is obnoxious to us, he sets himself against our doings. Todayā€™s reading from the book of Wisdom begins with a reminder of the old saw, ā€œno good deed goes unpunished.ā€ While the ā€œjust oneā€ is out there preaching the kingdom of God (arguably a very good thing),…

Catholic Charities volunteers deliver supplies to flood victims

Story - June 1, 2021 - After the 2016 flood, Denise Brown donated time and money to the recovery effort. Five years later ā€” on the heels of a storm that doused the capital region in 14 inches of rain, flooding her out of house and home ā€” the 39-year-old Jefferson Terrace resident is the one who needs help. And on…

Homeless Veterans Integration Program makes all the difference

Story - January 8, 2018 - Military service led to a downward spiral for Bill. Born and raised in St. Louis, he served in the Air Force and lived in Oklahoma City for two decades. Upon his return to his hometown, Bill fell onto some hard times, suffering from alcoholism and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and bouncing from place to place. “I…

Feast of the Holy Innocents

Prayer & Reflection - December 28, 2022 - ā€œWe are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song!ā€ For some, the accounts of Jesusā€™ resurrection in the Gospels are beautiful stories of an event experienced by the disciples long ago. We believe that Jesus has risen from the dead based on these accounts, but do we realize resurrectionā€™s implications in our own lives?…

CCUSA, Topashaw Farm, USDA get food to families during pandemic

Story - October 13, 2020 - Pope Francis commented in his encyclical, Fratelli tutti, that the Covid-19 pandemic has reminded the worldā€™s inhabitants ā€œthat we are a global community, ā€¦that we are brothers and sisters of one anotherā€ (No. 32). The popeā€™s words may have no better illustration than the wonderful events that have occurred in a corner of Mississippi. The…