Showing 541 - 552 of 662 results

Our History

Catholic Charities USA was founded more than a century ago by women and men who believed that the collective efforts of the church to faithfully serve people in need could change the course of poverty in our nation.

Labor Day statement denounces profit over safety, especially in pandemic

Story - September 6, 2020 - Given the “somber” realities imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, for companies to put profits over safety is “unjust,” said Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City, chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, in the U.S. bishops’ annual Labor Day statement. Even before the pandemic, “a significant number of Americans…

CCUSA on front lines as hunger increases

Story - April 13, 2020 - Feeding the hungry — one of the Works of Mercy described by Jesus in Matthew 25 — unfolds every day in the outreach of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington. But with the coronavirus outbreak and the resulting financial crisis impacting many individuals and families, the agency has seen a dramatic growth in the…

Innovative social enterprise brings produce to Chicago’s food deserts

Story - August 12, 2015 - Catholic Charities in Chicago started Crisp! Mobile Produce, an innovative social enterprise, to address the issue of food deserts in underserved areas of the city while generating revenue to fund other Catholic Charities food and nutrition programs. Launched in 2013 with a grant from the USDA Farmers Market Promotion program, Crisp! is a mobile grocery…

Healing stories

Story - January 29, 2018 - Jonathan opens a bright purple folder, filled with copies of his handwritten stories. Behind his brown-framed glasses, his friendly eyes dance as he reads each carefully chosen word. Jonathan has attended Catholic Charities St. Ailbe Adult Day Services Center for five years and it’s provided him with an audience to share his work. St Ailbe…

Saturday of the first week of Advent, 2022

Prayer & Reflection - December 3, 2022 - Go and set the world on fire! Today is the feast day of St. Francis Xavier, a 16th century Jesuit missionary. When he was being sent by St. Ignatius Loyola to the Far East, he was told to “go and set the world on fire.” He did just that, as he was an insatiable laborer…

Protect faith-based foster care, USCCB, Catholic groups urge

Story - June 9, 2020 - The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference and a few Catholic Charities agencies have joined more than 30 other religious groups, states and a group of Congress members urging the Supreme Court to protect Philadelphia’s faith-based foster care. The groups filed friend-of-the court briefs in early June in Fulton v. Philadelphia, which…

Learning to recognize and support victims of trafficking

Story - September 15, 2015 - Trafficking victims — exploited men, women and children — are all around us, but we usually don’t see them. We may not be aware of trafficking or we don’t know what to look for. It’s a blind spot that the state of Kentucky and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Louisville are shining a light…

Pandemic poses real threat to Florida’s homeless

Story - March 24, 2020 - The COVID-19 global pandemic causing havoc across the U.S. poses a stark threat to homeless populations while an economic downturn may create a new wave of homelessness. Those are some of the worries that several Catholic Charities staff in the Archdiocese of Miami expressed recently, as they sharpen their response plans to the spread of…

A journal of recovery efforts in U.S. Virgin Islands: September 19, 2017

Story - September 19, 2017 - Recovery efforts in the Virgin Islands in the aftermath of massive Hurricane Irma have been interrupted by preparations for Hurricane Maria, the second major storm to hit the area in two weeks. Maria is entering the area today and is expected to impact all three of the main islands severely. Ahead of Maria’s arrival, volunteer…

Community approaches to food security for seniors

Story - March 21, 2019 - According to the Administration on Aging, the number of seniors in our population is on the rise and will continue to rise as the Baby Boomer generation gets older. Just three years ago, this population represented almost 15 percent of the population (about 1 in 7 Americans), an amount that represented a 28 percent increase…

The heart of our service

Prayer & Reflection - December 31, 2023 - Luke movingly tells us that as Jesus was approaching his death and entering Jerusalem, He wept over the holy city with these words, “If this day you only knew what makes for peace — but now it is hidden from your eyes” (19:42). In today’s Gospel, however, we hear of a man in Jerusalem to…