Showing 517 - 528 of 662 results

Seniors and their families adapt to precautions amid virus

Story - April 1, 2020 - Doris Hollis, a resident of Caritas House Assisted Living, celebrated her 94th birthday March 27. Her family brought a cake and a homemade banner for the special occasion, but there were no hugs. The family sang to her, but their voices were muffled as they stood behind a picture window outside the Baltimore home for…

Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley

Member - August 17, 2015 - For more than 100 years, Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley has been committed to helping vulnerable individuals and families in southwest and west central Ohio. With a dedicated professional staff and trained volunteers, we provide direct service and case management in nine key program areas: behavioral and mental health, family stabilization and success…

In new term, Supreme Court once again takes up religious liberty

Story - August 22, 2020 - As part of what seems to be a new trend for the Supreme Court, it will once again take up a religious liberty case in its new term with oral arguments Nov. 4 in a case about a Catholic social service agency excluded from Philadelphia’s foster care program for not accepting same-sex couples as foster…

A pause … and you move forward: Living with mental illness

Story - June 24, 2021 - With pandemic restrictions easing as summer approaches, people from Princeton to Palmyra are planning road trips, parties, and more. Tricia Risley is brushing up on motherhood. Tricia lost custody of her daughter eight years ago because of her mental illness. But now 15-years-old, her daughter is coming to live with Tricia for the summer –…

Hurricane recovery ongoing, two years later

Story - June 12, 2019 - Hurricane season 2019 has arrived, but did you know Catholic Charities of Central Florida (CCCF) is still working to assist local families who haven’t recovered from storms two years ago? The 2017 hurricane season was one of the most active on record. Hurricane Irma hit Florida’s southern coast on September 10 as a category 3…

A birthday surprise: A new mentor

Story - January 16, 2018 - Teddy and Dan met on Teddy’s birthday. Typically, our youth at the TIME for ME Mentoring Program at Catholic Charities get a cake on their birthday and this was no exception. This year turned out extra special for Teddy. He has been eagerly awaiting to turn nine so he may be mentor-eligible officially. Not expecting…

CCUSA welcomes two new board members

News - July 7, 2015 - Alexandria, Virginia (July 7, 2015) – Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA), one of the nation’s largest networks of faith-based social service providers, is pleased to welcome Robert J. McCann, PhD, Executive Director, Catholic Charities Spokane, and Michael Connelly, MA, JD, FACHE, President and CEO of Mercy Health to CCUSA’s Board of Trustees. “I am proud to…

Uplifting parents: From mentee to math teacher

Story - November 18, 2020 - When Tyresha Riquelmy-Yankton first entered Catholic Social Services’ Uplifting Parents Program (UP) in 2019, she was hesitant about the mentoring that she would be asked to do twice each month with a UP mentor. “At first I thought, ‘I don’t need anyone to talk to, I’m fine!’” Tyresha said. But as she started to get…

In New Orleans, celebrating one man’s journey out of homelessness

Story - February 11, 2022 - By Ben Wortham, Vice President of Behavioral Health Integration, CCUSA  In the six months before New Orleans Emergency Medical Services (EMS) referred Jose to Catholic Charities New Orleans (CCANO), he called 911 a total of 55 times, making him the service’s number-one caller. At 46, Jose was a jokester who spoke broken English and had…

Victim helps police convict human traffickers

Story - December 11, 2018 - Carlos*, at 17, was caught up in the raid of a chicken farm in Ohio. As a minor, Carlos had been staying at a juvenile shelter run by the Office of Refugee Resettlement. The housing ended when he turned 18. Shortly after his eighteenth birthday, Carlos was referred to Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Boston through…

Catholic Charities New Orleans gives food to urban, rural communities

Story - July 2, 2020 - As a Gold Level Community Partner for the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans is able to provide more effective and efficient services to low-income households.  They have integrated the SNAP Outreach and Enrollment Program, with assistance from the Walmart Foundation, with food distribution programs in urban…

Good Friday, 2023

Prayer & Reflection - April 7, 2023 - Isaiah sings the Song of the Suffering Servant; the words have hard edges and the melody is wrenching. It is an intimate Song, and that’s where the pain of Divine rejection is sharply revealed. Good Friday is one of the most powerful days of the year for us as believers. God goes to the mat…