Showing 517 - 528 of 1091 results

Prayers & Reflections

We invite you to explore our prayer resources for liturgical seasons, such as Advent, Lent and Easter, as well as reflections for the every day.

Wednesday of the first week of Advent, 2022

Prayer & Reflection - November 30, 2022 - We visited our grandchildren last week to celebrate Thanksgiving. While walking back from a restaurant after a delightful meal of gumbo and gator bites, we passed between two dueling street preachers. One was standing on a wall, shouting to passersby that they were bound for hell if they didn’t immediately give their life to Jesus.…

CCUSA expresses concern about new SNAP work requirement regulations

News - December 20, 2018 - Alexandria, Va. — Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) is deeply concerned that after Congress recently passed a bipartisan Farm Bill, the proposed SNAP Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) regulation seeks to cut off access to nutrition assistance without providing support for those impacted. CCUSA, in its previous comments to USDA (see comments), has continually called for…

Meeting the needs of disaster survivors in Chicago

Story - January 30, 2018 - After Hurricane Maria devastated thousands in Puerto Rico in September, Catholic Charities began to see individuals and families turning to us for help. They had left Puerto Rico in the midst of great devastation and resettled in Chicago. Working with the City of Chicago, Catholic Charities and other social service agencies opened a multi-agency resource…

Catholic Charities welcomes the stranger

Story - January 23, 2020 - “You ask yourself every day whether or not you should have come when your life in one place was in danger, and you arrive at another and are still at risk,” said JosĂ©, who fled Cuba last May. “It’s been hard to adapt. When I came, I thought I would be treated differently. I thought…

Amid COVID-19 pandemic, pope prays for plight of the homeless

Story - April 2, 2020 - During his livestreamed daily morning Mass, Pope Francis prayed that the coronavirus pandemic may awaken people’s consciences to the plight of homeless men and women suffering in the world. At the start of the April 2 Mass in the chapel at his residence, the Domus Sanctae Marthae, the pope said he was struck by a…

Promotores help Latino immigrants overcome barriers to affordable care

Story - August 12, 2015 - The Parish Health Promoters program of Catholic Charities in Portland, Oregon, is helping Latino immigrants get the medical care and health information they need. Promotores, volunteer health promoters and local healthcare providers are working together to improve access to health care and increase the cultural competency of healthcare workers. The Parish Health Promoters program is…

Immediate and long-term relief: Catholic response to 2021 disasters

Story - December 28, 2021 - Right up through December, extreme weather events and natural disasters of 2021 continued to upend local communities and set agendas for domestic and overseas emergency response efforts at major Catholic aid organizations. “We had about 85 disasters,” in the United States this past year, said Kim Burgo, vice president for disaster operations for Catholic Charities…

Hurricane Irma relief, two years later

Story - July 2, 2019 - After Hurricane Irma devastated portions of Florida in 2017, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Palm Beach initiated the Disaster Relief program to meet the needs of hundreds of people without power, food or shelter. Since it was launched in 2017, the program has aided more than 1,197 households and 2,945 individuals; it continues to…

CCUSA selects nine finalists for Innovation Challenge

News - April 10, 2023 - Alexandria, Va. – Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) announced that proposals from nine Catholic Charities agencies have been selected as finalists in the organization’s second Innovation Challenge. Representatives from each agency will pitch their projects during CCUSA’s Annual Gathering in Cleveland in October, and three agencies will be chosen to each receive $633,000 in prize money.    …

Filling a gap for people who need mental health care

Story - April 12, 2018 - When Kim’s world came crashing down around her, she remembered something her mother always told her, “When you’re in need, go to church.” Four years before, Kim’s brother died suddenly in a car crash, leaving her the sole caretaker of her mother, as her father had died of Parkinson’s years before. Soon after, her mother…

Kentucky director shares message of hope after community response to tornadoes

Story - December 14, 2021 - Deadly tornadoes left a more-than 200-mile path of destruction overnight on December 10, 2021, in the Midwest.   In the past month, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Owensboro staff have been busy resettling 300 Afghan refugees in our community. We still have more than 150 refugees in an Owensboro hotel because of our housing shortage. Also, some landlords would not rent to the newcomers making…