Showing 493 - 504 of 662 results

CCUSA names Sister Donna Markham new president

News - January 12, 2015 - Alexandria, Va. – The Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) Board of Trustees announced today that Sister Donna Markham OP, Ph.D., president of the Behavioral Health Institute for Mercy Health, has been selected as its new president. Sister Donna, the first female president to lead CCUSA in the organization’s 105-year history, has a doctorate in clinical psychology…

Helping young mothers and babies bond to prevent child abuse

Story - August 11, 2015 - Helping young mothers bond with their babies in order to prevent child abuse and neglect is the primary goal for the “Bonding Right from the Start” course taught at Catholic Family and Child Service of Richland, Washington. “Catholic Charities helps young mothers learn about healthy child care in order to protect the life and dignity…

Getting help and helping others

Story - January 18, 2018 - Reggie found himself homeless in an unlikely way. While working at a local hospital, he racked up some parking tickets. “I missed my court dates because I had to take care of my sick sister and couldn’t get off work.” After spending a night in jail, Reggie was let go from his job. “I was…

Hurricane Delta deals fresh blow to hard-hit Louisiana dioceses

Story - October 13, 2020 - Hurricane Delta deluged much of Louisiana with rain — as much as 15 inches reported in some areas — with damage tallies and estimates yet to be completed in the days following the storm’s Oct. 9 landfall. In Lake Charles, one of the hardest-hit areas, churches and schools that had been damaged by Hurricane Laura…

CCUSA helps ensure effectiveness of Emergency Food and Shelter Program

News - October 15, 2015 - As a member of the National Board for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP), Catholic Charities USA helps ensure the program’s effective use of funds in communities across the United States. This week, Ron Jackson, Sr. Director of Government Affairs and CCUSA’s National Board representative, traveled with fellow Board members to visit local programs…

Washington Archdiocese offers practical steps to care for creation

Story - August 19, 2021 - Launched Aug. 16, the Archdiocese of Washington’s action plan to promote “an integral ecology” includes practical ways that parishes, Catholic schools and institutions, and individuals and families can care for creation, drawing on environmental science and inspired by Catholic social teaching. After Pope Francis issued his landmark 2015 encyclical on the environment, “Laudato Si’, on…

Taking 10 years to bring family home

Story - December 11, 2018 - Ten years ago, Catholic Charities represented Than*, a U.S. citizen, who was working to bring her four siblings to the United States from Vietnam. Her petitions were filed and sent to await visa availability. As siblings of a U.S. citizen, Than’s siblings had to wait over 10 years for visas to become available to them.…

Winter storm halts nearly everything but Texas hospitality

Story - February 23, 2021 - The Burton family from Lake Charles, Louisiana, were on the way home from a New Mexico skiing vacation when the worst winter storm in recent Texas history brought the state to a perpetual halt. They kept track of the worst-hit regions and avoided Amarillo and Austin. Then Feb. 17, as many Texans huddled in their…

The Resurrection of the Lord, 2023

Prayer & Reflection - April 9, 2023 - “We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song!” For some, the accounts of Jesus’ resurrection in the Gospels are beautiful stories of an event experienced by the disciples long ago. We believe that Jesus has risen from the dead based on these accounts, but do we realize resurrection’s implications in our own lives?…

Hope for the future

Story - August 25, 2017 - When the flood of December 2015 submerged Jefferson County, the “M” family’s home sustained major damage. The mother, father, and two sons evacuated, but they returned to living in the house because they did not have any family or neighbors who could accommodate them. The stress of living in such difficult conditions took a savage…

Restoring human dignity after family separation

Story - January 10, 2019 - In the summer of 2014, Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley (CCRGV), under the leadership of Sister Norma Pimentel, established a Humanitarian Respite Center as a response to the substantial increase in families seeking asylum at the U.S./Mexico border. Since then, more than 150,000 individuals, including separated and reunified families, have been welcomed at…

LifeHouse celebrates 100 babies born to once homeless women

Story - May 21, 2021 - LifeHouse Crisis Maternity Home (LifeHouse), a program of Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri (CCSOMO), is celebrating the birth of 100 babies to its formerly homeless clients. Fifteen of these babies were born during the current pandemic and all were born free of drug dependence and the need for long-term Neonatal Intensive Care, a savings to…