Showing 433 - 444 of 1091 results

Child abuse in COVID-19: What parents and caregivers should know

Story - April 8, 2020 - April is Child Abuse Prevention Month! While the coronavirus crisis captures the headlines of the day, one concerning trend that can get forgotten is how the COVID-19 crisis can exacerbate child abuse. We checked in with Jane Meyer to learn more. Jane, a Licensed Professional Counselor who has worked at Catholic Charities for over 30…

CCUSA, USCCB call for humanitarian assistance for migrants, refugees

News - May 5, 2022 - Alexandria, Va. – As Congress considers the president’s Fiscal Year 2022 emergency supplemental funding request from April 28, 2022, Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Migration delivered a unified message to policymakers. The two groups expressed strong support for additional humanitarian assistance for Ukrainian refugees, including access…

CCUSA joins other affordable housing stakeholders in support of HOTMA

News - July 15, 2016 - Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA), along with a broad cross-section of stakeholders in the affordable housing realm, urged members of the Senate to pass the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA). The legislation is an important step forward to address a number of significant items that have enjoyed consensus over the years. There is more to…

CCUSA provides Airbnb housing to disaster responders and survivors

Story - February 7, 2020 - Through its Open Homes Travel Credit program, Airbnb awarded Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) with $75,000 in travel credits in 2019 to provide temporary housing to workers responding to a disaster and to people recovering from one. CCUSA extended the travel credits to five Catholic Charities agencies that were responding to five different disasters: Northern Valley…

Parish engagement in a COVID world

Story - April 22, 2021 - By David Werning, Managing Editor When a group of people are looking for the light at the end of the tunnel and you know it’s still a long way off, what do you do? Theresa Chamblee, director of social concerns for Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, has the answer: You engage them. Chamblee interacts…

Labor Day statement denounces profit over safety, especially in pandemic

Story - September 6, 2020 - Given the “somber” realities imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, for companies to put profits over safety is “unjust,” said Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City, chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, in the U.S. bishops’ annual Labor Day statement. Even before the pandemic, “a significant number of Americans…

Caritas campaign makes strides, but has work to do welcoming migrants

Story - June 15, 2021 - Participants logged more than 370,000 miles in symbolic solidarity walks with migrants over the past four years, but the leaders of Caritas Internationalis know there are many miles to go in changing attitudes toward immigration. “Where there is indifference and intolerance toward migrants, Caritas will stand by them to express the love and concern of…

A home for homeless teens provides solid foundation to build on

Story - August 12, 2015 - In St. Cloud, Minnesota, a Catholic Charities group home dedicated to homeless teens is helping young people begin their adult lives on a solid foundation. Opened in 2014, Youth House gives young people, ages 16-24, not only a roof over their heads, but round-the-clock guidance as they build the foundations for the rest of their…

CCUSA joins joint statement on Medicaid Healthy Adult Opportunity demonstration

News - January 31, 2020 - Alexandria, Va. (January 31, 2020) –The Catholic Health Association of the United States, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Domestic Justice and Human Development Committee and Catholic Charities USA express our deep opposition to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ proposal to cap or block grant funding for the Medicaid expansion population. It is unacceptable…

Hurricane Laura wreaks havoc for Louisiana churches, schools

Story - September 1, 2020 - Hurricane Laura destroyed six churches in the Diocese of Lake Charles, left a dozen others “highly compromised” and did heavy damage to chancery offices. The diocese, in a report posted on its website, said that only one of six Catholic schools reopened Aug. 31, while the others needed at least some repairs before classes could…

Uplifting parents: From mentee to math teacher

Story - November 18, 2020 - When Tyresha Riquelmy-Yankton first entered Catholic Social Services’ Uplifting Parents Program (UP) in 2019, she was hesitant about the mentoring that she would be asked to do twice each month with a UP mentor. “At first I thought, ‘I don’t need anyone to talk to, I’m fine!’” Tyresha said. But as she started to get…

A month after historic flood, Michigan Catholics still stepping up

Story - June 30, 2020 - Midland and the surrounding areas of Sanford and Edenville were already suffering from the effects of COVID-19 when another catastrophe struck May 19. Although the mid-Michigan communities are no strangers to flooding, the historic breach of the Edenville and Sanford dams caused the worst flash flood in more than a century, forcing more than 10,000…