Showing 409 - 420 of 1076 results

Commonwealth Catholic Charities director speaks on criminal justice reform

News - November 3, 2015 - Today Joanne Nattrass, executive director, Commonwealth Catholic Charities (Richmond, VA) spoke at a Congressional Briefing sponsored by the Interfaith Criminal Justice Coalition entitled Faith Voices Speak Out on Criminal Justice Reform. Ms. Nattrass shared both the experience of her agency in Richmond, and more broadly the work being done by the Catholic community to promote…

CCUSA joins Leadership 18 in calling for support of Charitable Act

News - March 1, 2023 - Catholic Charities USA joined Leadership 18, an alliance of CEOs responsible for leading some of the country’s largest and most well-respected charities, nonprofits and faith-based organizations, to call for Congressional support of the Charitable Act. The bipartisan legislation would restore and extend the availability of the universal charitable deduction through the 2024 tax year, which…

CCUSA calls on Senate to reject Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017

News - June 26, 2017 - Sister Donna Markham OP, PhD, president and CEO of Catholic Charities USA wrote to the Senate today voicing strong opposition to the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017. Instead of expanding access to health care coverage, the BRCA reduces coverage for those least able to afford it. Sister Donna urged the Senate to reject BRCA…

Circle of Protection calls for budget responsive to vulnerable populations

News - March 8, 2019 - Catholic Charities USA, along with its fellow members of the Circle of Protection, urge the administration and Congress to pass a bipartisan budget agreement that both reverses harmful sequestation cuts and expands investments in critical programs serving people in poverty. Read the full letter here.

CCUSA submits feedback to Early Learning Interagency Policy Board

News - November 6, 2015 - CCUSA submitted comments today in response to a request from the Early Learning Interagency Policy Board (IPB) for feedback to inform a federal policy statement on health promotion in early learning. To inform a response, CCUSA solicited feedback from member agencies with leading early childhood programs, including Head Start, Early Head Start, day care, and…

CCUSA joins other faith groups to urge passage of EQUAL Act

News - February 15, 2023 - Catholic Charities USA joins in a faith letter urging the Senate leadership to take up and pass the EQUAL Act. The EQUAL Act will reduce bias in drug sentencing laws that have resulted in unequal outcomes across racial groups. CCUSA is committed to the fair treatment of all people based on the God-given dignity of…

CCUSA, USCCB/MRS express concern over proposed EOIR fee review

News - March 30, 2020 - Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Migration and Refugee Services (USCCB/MRS) respectfully submittedย  comments on the proposed Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) Fee Review, published on February 28, 2020. We are concerned about the proposed fee changes in the published notice and request that EOIR withdraw these proposals…

CCUSA, USCCB send letter to Congress regarding FY2017 appropriations

News - April 25, 2017 - Catholic Charities USA and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops sent a joint letter to the Senate and House of Representatives urging all members to remember those who are needy and vulnerable in our society during the appropriations process. Both organizations welcomed the bipartisan support for programs that feed the hungry and provide affordable housing,…

Healthy Housing Initiative One-pager

Publication - December 1, 2021 - The CCUSA Healthy Housing Initiative (HHI) pilot program combines healthcare and housing services in five cities to help the chronically homeless get off and remain off the streets.  Summary An overview of the five-year Healthy Housing Initiative that has been piloted in five cities โ€“ Detroit, Las Vegas, Portland (Oregon), St. Louis and Spokane โ€“…

CCUSA concerned over reopening of small dollar lending rule

News - February 15, 2019 - In a joint letter with USCCB and other Christian organizations, CCUSA urges Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to protect borrowers from the predatory and unjust business practices of payday and auto title lenders. Read the full letter here.

CCS of Western Washington offers feedback to Congress on housing policy

News - November 2, 2015 - Catholic Community Services (CCS) and Catholic Housing Services (CHS) of Western Washington (Archdiocese of Seattle) submitted written feedback to the House Financial Services Committee in response to a request for proposals to address poverty and housing affordability. Over the past 36 years, CCS and CHS have developed 50 housing projects across western Washington state, which…

CCUSA, USCCB, SVdP call for strengthened Child Tax Credit

News - December 14, 2022 - Catholic Charities USA joins with the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP USA) to call on Congress to work in a bipartisan fashion to pass a strengthened Child Tax Credit before the end of…