Showing 373 - 384 of 1076 results

CCUSA summary of the CARES Act

News - March 30, 2020 - On March 27, 2020, the President signed into law H.R. 748, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The $2 trillion comprehensive package represents Congressโ€™ third attempt to respond to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), and contains numerous investments that will help those served by Catholic Charities agencies. CCUSA has prepared…

CCUSA clients inform congressional TANF reform discussions

News - October 7, 2015 - Today, two Catholic Charities client representatives brought their perspectives to Capitol Hill to inform legislators weighing potential reforms to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. The closed-door meeting was attended by members of the Senate Finance and House Ways and Means Committees, and is the first in planned series of meetings to inform…

CCUSA concerned over reopening of small dollar lending rule

News - February 15, 2019 - In a joint letter with USCCB and other Christian organizations, CCUSA urges Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to protect borrowers from the predatory and unjust business practices of payday and auto title lenders. Read the full letter here.

CCUSA joins other affordable housing stakeholders in support of HOTMA

News - July 15, 2016 - Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA), along with a broad cross-section of stakeholders in the affordable housing realm, urged members of the Senate to pass the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA). The legislation is an important step forward to address a number of significant items that have enjoyed consensus over the years. There is more to…

CCUSA, others urge DHS to remove barriers to care during COVID-19

News - March 18, 2020 - Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) joins the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishopsโ€™ Committee on Migration (USCCB/COM), Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA), and the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC), in urging DHS and its components to remove barriers to healthcare access so that immigrants may safely comply with government recommendations during this global…

CCUSA FY2016 appropriations update

News - August 3, 2015 - With Congress preparing to leave town for the August recess, the likely outcome of the FY2016 federal budget process is most likely to be a continuing resolution (CR) before the end of the current fiscal year on September 30th. CCUSA staff are monitoring the process closely and continue to meet with members of the House…

CCUSA supports passage of Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2016

News - July 5, 2016 - Sister Donna Markham OP, PhD/ABPP, President and CEO of CCUSA, wrote to members of the House of Representatives, asking them to support H.R. 2646. The Mental Health Crisis Act of 2016 takes the first step in reforming and improving the US’ fragmented mental health care system. The bill improves integration of primary care, substance abuse…

CCUSA joins charities requesting $60 billion to help most vulnerable

News - March 18, 2020 - The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic facing the country is having a profound impact on the economy and has greatly expanded the need for charitable organizations to provide additional services in an unprecedented manner. At the same time, the economic downturn will undoubtedly result in a contraction in contributions and other sources of revenue which are the…

CCUSA letter to Congress in support of immigration reform

News - April 9, 2021 - April 9, 2021 The Honorable Chuck Schumer and the Honorable Mitch McConnell Majority Leader of the Senate Minority Leader of the Senate Dear Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell, I write on behalf of Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA), the national office for 167 Catholic Charities agencies across the country and the U.S. territories, to express…

CCUSA commends House leadership for bipartisan, compromise Farm Bill

News - December 12, 2018 - Catholic Charities USA, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Rural Life and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul commend Chairmen Roberts and Conaway, and Ranking Members Stabenow and Peterson, for their leadership in negotiating a bipartisan, compromise Farm Bill. Read the full letter

CCUSA urges Senate to pass PROMESA

News - June 23, 2016 - CCUSA wrote a letter to the Senate urging the lawmakers to take up and pass PROMESA, the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act. The bill will allow the island to restructure its debt and continue to pay for needed social services. The House of Representatives passed the legislation with bipartisan support and robust…

CCUSA asks Congress for increased EFSP funding in COVID-19 Stimulus Bill

News - March 17, 2020 - Catholic Charities USA and its 166 member agencies serving in all 50 States and the U.S. territories, are requesting, in light of the coronavirus crisis, a substantial funding increase for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) from the existing FY 2020 $125 million to $250 million. This request is based on the proven history…