Showing 349 - 360 of 1091 results

CCUSA urges Congress to provide relief funds in next COVID-19 package

Story - March 3, 2021 - Democratic members of the U.S. Senate were hopeful their version of a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package would be passed the second week of March, so they could send it to President Joe Biden for his signature before unemployment assistance expires March 14. The measure includes $246 billion for extending unemployment benefits through August and…

CCUSA names 2016 Volunteers of the Year

News - April 15, 2016 - Alexandria, Va. (April 15, 2016) — Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA), which represents one of the largest faith-based social service networks in the country, is pleased to announce that Bishop Emeritus William S. Skylstad and Colin Arnold, volunteers at Catholic Charities of Spokane and Catholic Community Service of Juneau, Alaska respectively, are winners of CCUSA’s 2016…

Bishop CantĂş: Californians on edge as historic wildfires rage

Story - August 25, 2020 - Some of the few Masses available for Catholics in California’s Bay Area came to a halt the weekend of Aug. 22 as bishops urged parishioners to pray for one another, for firefighters, and to stay home as air quality diminished in some parts of the state because of some of the largest wildfires in California…

On 50th Earth Day, ‘humanity is at critical crossroad,’ say activists

Story - April 22, 2020 - On April 22, 1970, the late Sen. Gaylord Nelson, D-Wisconsin, created the first Earth Day because “we only have one earth, so we need to take care of her.” That year more than 20 million Americans participated in demonstrations, cleanups and other activities, and Earth Day quickly motivated people around the globe to get involved…

Thankful for transportation

Story - November 11, 2020 - When we gather with our family or friends to celebrate Thanksgiving, we probably don’t think much about how we will get to the gathering. Transportation is something we often take for granted. It’s easy to forget that for many poor and vulnerable people in Ohio, transportation is one of the biggest barriers to success and…

Texas bishops say closing facilities would violate religious freedom

Story - July 21, 2021 - The bishops who head the El Paso and Dallas dioceses in Texas have asked Gov. Greg Abbott to halt an order that could result in shutting down, by the end of August, Catholic Charities facilities in Texas that care for foster and migrant children, saying that doing so violates state laws protecting religious freedom. “Motivated…

Catholic Charities partnership assists COVID patients

Story - June 19, 2020 - The positive COVID-19 cases in Immokalee surpassed the 1,000 mark on June 11, 2020 according to information provided by the Florida Department of Health. Catholic Charities Diocese of Venice Inc. is collaborating with the Collier County Bureau of Emergency Services Division (BES), to help those infected with the virus who have tested positive and are…

CCUSA president and CEO statement on U.S. v. Texas

News - June 23, 2016 - Today the Supreme Court, by a 4-4 vote, allowed a lower court decision to stand which blocks the implementation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA) executive actions. “While today’s split opinion does not decide the ultimate validity of the DACA and DAPA programs, it does…

Disaster operations COVID-19 report

Story - August 11, 2020 - By Kim Burgo, Vice President of Disaster Operations, CCUSA If responding to natural disasters wasn’t complicated enough, COVID-19 places new challenges in the disaster response work Catholic Charities accomplishes. As agencies try to navigate an already complicated disaster process, it becomes even more challenging when the process includes new terms like “social distancing,” new equipment such as…

Meals on Wheels for senior citizens

Story - June 14, 2016 - Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada (CCSN) provides help, hope, and a sense of family for homebound, at-risk seniors with a robust selection of programs. The best known is Meals on Wheels (MOW). MOW provides meals for 2000 seniors every week. Praise from grateful clients and referrals from social workers have made the program very successful…

N.Y. Archdiocese, partner offer COVID-19 tests in underserved communities

Story - June 17, 2020 - An organization whose work was praised by Pope Francis late last year has partnered with the Archdiocese of New York to offer free COVID-19 testing in predominantly Latino communities in and around New York City. In a June 15 news release, SOMOS Community Care, a network of more than 2,500 medical providers in the New…

Pandemic is time to forgive debts, cardinal suggests

Story - April 2, 2020 - “Could the coronavirus-19 crisis lead to a jubilee?” Filipino Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle wondered out loud during a Mass livestreamed from the Pontifical Philippine College in Rome. Preaching March 29 about the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, Cardinal Tagle looked at a variety of ways people can be in “tombs” and in…