Showing 25 - 36 of 410 results

Helping low-income students during COVID-19

Story - July 16, 2020 - Brittany is a single mom who grew up in poverty and always wanted more for her family. She worked two part time jobs, and she remembers the feeling of standing in the homeless shelter line with her own mom. Brittany decided she wanted a better life for her and her child – so she was…

Nancy Cook Owens to receive 2021 CCUSA Bishop Joseph M. Sullivan Award

News - July 19, 2021 - Alexandria, Va.–Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) is pleased to announce that Nancy Cook Owens, program director at the Room to Grow Early Childhood Learning Center, Catholic Charities of Fairfield County, is the recipient of the 2021 Bishop Joseph M. Sullivan Award. CCUSA’s Bishop Sullivan Award recognizes a person working at a Catholic Charities agency who has…

Culinary training program feeds souls and stomachs

Story - November 10, 2021 - Clad in crisp black aprons, they massage pepper, garlic and thyme into the cubed beef. “Become one with the food,” chef Jon Wirtis tells them. The students then drizzle oil into large pots, wait for the fat to sputter and pop, and add the seasoned meat. “Beauuutiful,” says Wirtis as the contents sizzle and a…

Parish Services: A ‘godsend’ for a boy struggling in school

Story - May 6, 2019 - Kids who fidget in class often get written off as behavior problems, or diagnosed with a learning disorder like attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. But Aurora Blackwell is an experienced educator, and she knew something deeper lay behind her 7-year-old son Bronx’s school troubles. “He’s the youngest in the class, since his birthday falls so late in the…

Rewriting his own history, one day at a time

Story - July 6, 2022 - The spring sun glares into the room on a recent Tuesday afternoon. Doug Grant sits down at the table, pulls out his reading glasses and digs into his latest historical fiction book. It was his moment of peace after a long, hard day at work. Doug is wise in years, as evidenced by his white…

Eat, Love, Sway!: How nutrition education is tackling obesity

Story - September 9, 2015 - Eat, Love, Sway! That’s the message Catholic Charities of the Central Coast in the Diocese of Monterey, California, is sending to the people in its new Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention (NEOP) program. They hope participants will learn to make healthy choices about food, nutrition and exercise. The core of the Nutrition Education and Obesity…

Walking together on journey to employment and a changed life

Story - August 26, 2015 - The goal of the Workforce Development program (WFD) of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Newark is to help ex-offenders, welfare recipients and people with disabilities find and keep jobs. Sounds simple, but it can really be quite a journey, as the program challenges participants to change their behavior, learn to apply themselves and begin…

Healthy Housing Initiative

A person-centered, comprehensive approach to address chronic homelessness through permanent supportive housing and social services, in collaboration with Catholic health care.  

The power of mentoring

Story - January 5, 2018 - Mike has been a mentor to Ted for 4 years. When they first met Ted was 12 and had never learned to ride a bike. He is being raised by his single grandmother who has multiple medical conditions that prevent her from doing activities with or bringing her grandson to activities. Ted was terrified of…

Uplifting parents: From mentee to math teacher

Story - November 18, 2020 - When Tyresha Riquelmy-Yankton first entered Catholic Social Services’ Uplifting Parents Program (UP) in 2019, she was hesitant about the mentoring that she would be asked to do twice each month with a UP mentor. “At first I thought, ‘I don’t need anyone to talk to, I’m fine!’” Tyresha said. But as she started to get…

A mother’s grit is a gift to her daughter

Story - March 21, 2024 - When Sarah came to the Pregnancy Health Center (PHC) in 2021, her life looked much different than it is now. She was dealing with multiple challenges while anticipating the arrival of her little girl. She enrolled in our Earn While You Learn classes and began learning about labor and delivery, self-care and parenting. Sarah invested…

Catholic school partnerships further Catholic Charities mission

Story - April 22, 2021 - By Allison Cavazos, Associate Director of Parish Relations, Catholic Charities of Central Texas Catholic Charities works to provide service to people in need, to advocate for justice in social structures, and to call the entire Church and other people of good will to do the same. At Catholic Charities of Central Texas (CCCTX), we recognize that this call…