Showing 337 - 348 of 1076 results

CCUSA asks House for increased housing investments for poor, vulnerable

News - June 29, 2021 - June 29, 2021 The Honorable David E. Price ChairmanSubcommittee on Transportation,and Housing and Urban Development, and Related AgenciesCommittee on AppropriationsUnited States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Mario Diaz-Balart Ranking MemberSubcommittee on Transportation,and Housing and Urban Development, and Related AgenciesCommittee on AppropriationsUnited States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Chairman Price and…

CCUSA urges inclusion of critical elements in Tax Cuts and Job Act

News - December 14, 2017 - Catholic Charities USA wrote to the members of the Conference Committee for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act urging them to include several critical elements in any tax reform: to prioritize relief for those living in poverty; to foster a culture of giving; to promote family stability; to expand affordable housing; to promote family economic…

CCUSA asks administration to restore, enhance charitable giving incentives

News - August 3, 2022 - The Honorable Joseph BidenPresident of the United StatesThe White HouseWashington, DC 20500 The Honorable Nancy PelosiSpeakerU.S. House of RepresentativesWashington, DC 20515 The Honorable Chuck SchumerSenate Majority LeaderU.S. SenateWashington, DC 20510 The Honorable Kevin McCarthyHouse Republican LeaderU.S. House of RepresentativesWashington, DC 20515 The Honorable Mitch McConnellSenate Republican LeaderU.S. SenateWashington, DC 20510 RE: Enable Charitable Nonprofits to…

CCUSA letter urges Congress to support robust funding for DOJ

News - June 23, 2022 - The Honorable Jeanne Shaheen, Chairman Senate Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Washington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Jerry Moran, Ranking Member Senate Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Chairwoman Shaheen and Ranking Member Moran: I write on behalf of Catholic Charities…

CCUSA raising funds for Texas, Oklahoma wildfire victims

News - March 1, 2024 - ALEXANDRIA, Va. — As wildfires rage in the Texas panhandle and Western Oklahoma, endangering whole communities, Catholic Charities USA is raising funds to help those affected. Catholic Charities agencies in the impacted areas are already preparing emergency assistance, as time is of the essence.   To make a gift today to aid families and individuals…

On DACA’s 10th anniversary, CCUSA urges passage of American Dream and Promise Act

News - June 15, 2022 - Alexandria, Va. – In recognition today of the 10th anniversary of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) — the stopgap federal policy that provides qualifying young adults brought here as children with temporary permission to stay in the country and obtain work authorization — Catholic Charities USA stands with our immigrant brothers and sisters and…

CCUSA opposes action to decrease number of refugees, families seeking resettlement

News - October 1, 2020 - Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) strongly opposes the administration’s action to decrease the number of refugees welcomed into the United States to no more than 15,000; a new record low since the program began in 1980. “We call upon the administration to consider the refugee resettlement program’s humanitarian mission to protect those in need,” said Sister…

CCUSA commends immigration reform efforts; urges compromise

News - February 7, 2024 - Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) commends Sens. James Lankford (R-OK), Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) for their efforts to put forth broad, bipartisan reforms of our country’s immigration system — something we have called on Congress and presidential administrations of both parties to undertake for decades. While the proposed legislation contains both provisions we…

CCUSA, others call on Congress to pass bipartisan COVID-19 relief

News - September 10, 2020 - Catholic Charities USA joined a coalition of nonprofits urging Congress to enact significant bipartisan coronavirus relief legislation as soon as possible. Final legislation should include not only an increase to the universal charitable deduction and extend that deduction at least through 2021, but it should also extend a new round of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)…

CCUSA concerned about American Health Care Act

News - March 8, 2017 - Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) sent a letter to Congress today voicing its concern about the American Health Care Act. Sister Donna Markham OP, PhD, president and CEO of CCUSA, noted some commendable efforts of AHCA including protection for the unborn and greater flexibility for States. However, she lamented the risk of major reductions in health…

CCUSA offers Congress priorities for mental, behavioral health policy

News - May 10, 2022 - The Honorable Frank Pallone Jr.Chairman, House Energy and Commerce Committee The Honorable Cathy McMorris-RodgersRanking Member, House Energy and Commerce Committee Dear Chairman Pallone and Ranking Member McMorris-Rodgers: In anticipation of the soon to be introduced mental health legislative package, the Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) network, with 50,000 employees and 15 million clients in 2021, would…

CCUSA and USCCB comment on DOL proposal on H-2A workers

News - November 14, 2023 - CCUSA and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) commend the Department of Labor for its efforts to improve protections afforded to both prospective and existing H-2A workers. We also appreciate efforts to clarify expectations placed on employers to aid in their compliance with program requirements. H-2A workers face unique vulnerabilities, given the temporary…