Showing 337 - 348 of 662 results

Numbers of unaccompanied minors at border setting record

Story - July 27, 2021 - With a surge in the first few months of 2021 of minors entering the United States without a parent or guardian, figures from fiscal year 2020 already have surpassed the total of unaccompanied minors who made border entries during the previous fiscal year. Statistics from U.S. Customs and Border Protection show that over 76,000 minors…

With evictions looming, agencies work furiously to keep families housed

Story - January 12, 2021 - The novel coronavirus threw Maria Arreola for a loop in June, sending her to the hospital for four weeks in a battle with COVID-19. For a while, she was sick enough to be placed on a ventilator. Arreola, 43, who arrived from Mexico 19 years ago and is living in the U.S. illegally, recovered enough…

Friday of the third week of Advent, 2022

Prayer & Reflection - December 16, 2022 - For my house shall be calleda house of prayer for all peoples.Thus says the Lord GOD,who gathers the dispersed of Israel:Others will I gather to himbesides those already gathered. (Isaiah 56: 7b-8) “We don’t serve people because they are Catholic; we serve them because we are.” (Proclaimed and modeled by any number of Catholic Charities…

Struggling mom turns her life around with help of Catholic Charities

Story - January 21, 2016 - Kim came to our Homeless Services Center “a broken woman,” as she called herself. Born in Ukiah, California, Kim was a bright young woman who graduated college with a business degree. She worked for a Fortune 500 company in San Francisco, then moved back to Ukiah for her “dream job” as the sports editor for…

Safe housing is more than a ‘drop in the bucket’

Story - September 21, 2022 - Catholic Charities of Oregon made great progress in the first half of 2022 to meet its goals for the Healthy Housing Initiative.   At the beginning of the year, 137 units of affordable housing were under construction, inclusive of 35 permanent supportive housing units (PSH). On July 19, the organization celebrated the completion of Chiles House,…

Celebrating the farmworkers whose labor fills our tables

Story - July 2, 2020 - A Blog Post from Greg Kepferle, CEO Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County “Here they come!” The excited shouts spread through the group of volunteers with cellphone cameras held high. The slow majestic procession of gleaming cars glided by, metal inches from the ground, musical beats pulsing the air. There was something different about these…

Good nutrition is as easy as SNAP

Story - January 3, 2019 - When Gloria walked into Catholic Charities of Rochester, N.Y., workers saw first-hand the life-changing difference even a few dollars can make in a person’s life. Gloria is 86 and lives alone near the small village of Nichols, N.Y., in Tioga County, which is as rural as Appalachia. There are no nearby cities, hospitals, colleges or…

Seniors and their families adapt to precautions amid virus

Story - April 1, 2020 - Doris Hollis, a resident of Caritas House Assisted Living, celebrated her 94th birthday March 27. Her family brought a cake and a homemade banner for the special occasion, but there were no hugs. The family sang to her, but their voices were muffled as they stood behind a picture window outside the Baltimore home for…

Food and Nutrition

Catholic Charities agencies offer healthy food to those at risk of hunger via food banks/pantries, afterschool and summer programs, child and adult daycare centers, group dining settings, home delivery and more.   

Making a house a home again after Hurricane Florence

Story - July 11, 2019 - Roughly three-quarters of a mile down a dusty dirt road sits a home. In its 13 years, this home has seen three children grow into adulthood and a few hurricanes, but nothing like Florence. Ms. Ingrid, the owner, said that the road the home sits on runs through family land. As soon as her ancestors…

Father Fred Kammer, former CCUSA president and CEO, is voice for Gospel-based justice

Story - July 23, 2021 - Although Jesuit Father Fred Kammer is stepping down as executive director of the Jesuit Social Research Institute in his native New Orleans come July 31, he’s nowhere near ready to fully retire and stop his work to end racism, ease poverty and promote immigrant justice. As the center’s director since 2009, Father Kammer has kept…

Oregon’s Catholic agencies give critical support to Latinos in pandemic

Story - January 5, 2021 - The coronavirus has reshaped life in the United States in many ways, but in key respects it has affected Black, Native American and Latino individuals more than other racial or ethnic groups. People of color get sick and die of COVID-19 at rates higher than white individuals and higher than their share of the population,…