Showing 325 - 336 of 433 results

CCUSA requests funds for critical programs that serve poor, vulnerable

News - May 7, 2019 - Catholic Charities USA asked both the House and the Senate to allocate robust funding for critical programs that serve persons and families who are poor and vulnerable in the fiscal year 2020 Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education appropriations bill. The programs include the Unaccompanied Alien Children Program, Head Start, the Social Services Block…

A chance to begin again: how Catholic Charities helped a man become the father his daughter needed

News - March 9, 2023 - Stepping off a plane at Boston Logan Airport, moments after returning home from a trip, Orlando Fontanez’s phone began to buzz with text and voicemail notifications. One was from the mother of his then three-year-old daughter Najla. The other was from the Department of Children and Families. Both conveyed the same nerve-racking news — Najla…

Don’t turn away from suffering on border, urges CCRGV director

Story - July 7, 2020 - In an opinion piece in The Washington Post daily newspaper, Sister Norma Pimentel, known for her work with migrants on the U.S.-Mexico border near Brownsville, Texas, made a public plea July 6 to keep an eye on the plight of asylum-seekers during the coronavirus pandemic. She also called for an end to the Migrant Protection…

CCUSA expresses concern about executive action limiting asylum access

News - June 5, 2024 - Catholic social teaching affirms the right of each nation to regulate its borders, but policies that achieve this goal should be developed and applied in a manner that respects and upholds human dignity. The executive action announced by the administration on June 4 is concerning because it will restrict and slow access to asylum and…

Catholic Charities Community Services

Member - August 12, 2015 - Since 1933, Catholic Charities Community Services has been serving the most vulnerable in central and northern Arizona. From the beginning, we have helped build loving families through foster care and adoption. Over the years, our services have expanded to serve and shelter our neighbors, strengthen children and families, welcome refugees and immigrants and collaborate with…

No bank account, but the savings grew

Story - January 7, 2019 - People living and working near the city dump in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, lived on $10 a day and had no bank accounts. Their sources of credit were street lenders with loans at exorbitant interest rates. In 2015, the Solidarity Foundation set up savings groups in the community. The organization provided financial information and training and…

Every action counts

Story - July 6, 2020 - Tharmini Umakaran came to the United States in 2018. She left her homeland of Sri Lanka at the age of five, fleeing civil war. Thirteen years later, as the nation celebrates World Refugee Day, June 20, Umakaran is thankful to those who helped her and her parents along the way. This year’s theme, “Every Action…

The rewarding work of refugee employment services during COVID-19

Story - November 28, 2021 - By David Werning, Managing Editor Imagine this scenario: you don’t know English, you lost your job, and you’re worrying about how – or if – you will recover. This situation did not have to be imagined by 225 refugees in the Cincinnati area during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, 31 of whom were…

CCUSA commends federal judge’s ruling to fully restore DACA

News - December 6, 2020 - This is an important victory for this country’s Dreamers Alexandria, Va. — Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) commends the decision by the U.S. District Court in Brooklyn to fully restore the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. “This is an important victory for our country’s Dreamers,” said Sister Donna Markham OP, PhD, president and CEO…

Parish Social Ministry Resources

The ministry of Catholic Charities is grounded in Catholic social teaching, which emphasizes the dignity and worth of every person. Like the Good Samaritan, Catholic Charities provides services and care to anyone in need.

Our History

Catholic Charities USA was founded more than a century ago by men and women who believed that the collective efforts of the church to faithfully serve people in need could change the course of poverty in our nation.

COVID-19 American Rescue Plan Act of 2021: Legislative Priorities

Publication - February 1, 2021 - Although great efforts have been made to provide a temporary response to COVID-19, more action is needed to stabilize the economy, individuals and families for the long term.  Summary As Congress and the Biden administration finalize priorities for the next COVID aid package, we ask that more funding be provided to ensure people remain housed,…