Showing 325 - 336 of 1076 results

CCUSA, other Catholic groups offer Congress guiding principles on Farm Bill

News - April 24, 2023 - Catholic Charities USA, along with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Rural Life and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, reaffirmed their commitment to ending hunger in a letter to Congressional leaders. The letter encourages leadership, as they proceed with the 2023 Farm Bill, to: Prioritize sufficient funding of…

Advocacy Basics

Publication - January 10, 2023 - Since its founding, the Catholic Charities network has advocated for just and fair policies that help individuals and families who are poor and vulnerable reach their full potential. Our Catholic tradition teaches that society, acting through government and civil organizations, has a special obligation to consider the needs of these populations. Summary From the principles…

CCUSA announces 2021 Volunteer of the Year

News - April 23, 2021 - Sister Donna Markham OP, PhD, president and CEO of Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA), announced today that Tammy Goodman of Catholic Charities Serving Central Washington (Yakima) has been named the CCUSA Volunteer of the Year for 2021. (Watch a brief video featuring Goodman and her volunteer ministry.) “Catholic Charities has been heavily engaged in bringing relief…

CCUSA signs joint nonprofit letter on WORK NOW Act

News - April 24, 2021 - April 20, 2021 The Honorable Joe Biden President The White House Washington, DC 20500 RE: Economic Stimulus and the Work Opportunities and Resources to Keep Nonprofit Organizations Well (WORK NOW) Act Dear Mr. President: Thank you for your Administration’s acknowledgements of the many contributions charitable organizations have made to the relief of the American People…

CCUSA, USCCB urge strengthening of fair housing regulations

News - July 30, 2020 - Last week, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced that it would terminate the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing regulation (AFFH) issued in 2015 and replace it with a new rule on fair housing titled Preserving Community and Neighborhood Choice. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and Catholic Charities USA filed comments in March…

Catholic Charities network comes together for rigorous disaster relief training

News - December 11, 2023 - Last week, Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) hosted the 2023 Applied Institute for Disaster Excellence (AIDE) in Raleigh, North Carolina. Over five days, roughly 225 participants from more than 60 Catholic Charities agencies, nonprofits and government partners took part in a rigorous training to help the Catholic Charities network be better prepared to offer critical short-…

CCUSA comments on Community Reinvestment Act

News - April 7, 2020 - Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) submitted comments in response to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) proposed regulatory changes to the Community Reinvestment Act Regulatory Framework OCC-2018-0008. CCUSA believes that any changes to CRA regulations must expand the current emphasis on providing new and preserving current affordable housing units. Any changes to the…

Leadership 18 CEOs call zero tolerance immigration policy harmful to children

News - June 19, 2018 - In a statement from Leadership 18, a coalition of CEOs from some of the nation’s largest and most influential human service non-profits, nonprofit leaders noted that the separation of immigrant children from their parents is immoral and should never be a part of American policy. Read the full letter

CCUSA, CHA, USCCB ask Congress to support Medicaid postpartum coverage

News - November 10, 2022 - Catholic Charities USA, the Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA) and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) urges Congress to establish 12-month Medicaid postpartum coverage and Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance continuous coverage for children as required federal benefits. Making postpartum coverage mandatory for all Medicaid programs would not only save…

CCUSA asks Senate for increased housing program investments for vulnerable populations

News - June 29, 2021 - The Honorable Brian Schatz ChairmanSubcommittee on Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies, Committee on Appropriations United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Susan Collins Ranking MemberSubcommittee on Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies, Committee on Appropriations United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Chairman Schatz and Ranking Member…

CCUSA asks House for increased housing investments for poor, vulnerable

News - June 29, 2021 - June 29, 2021 The Honorable David E. Price ChairmanSubcommittee on Transportation,and Housing and Urban Development, and Related AgenciesCommittee on AppropriationsUnited States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Mario Diaz-Balart Ranking MemberSubcommittee on Transportation,and Housing and Urban Development, and Related AgenciesCommittee on AppropriationsUnited States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Chairman Price and…

CCUSA asks administration to restore, enhance charitable giving incentives

News - August 3, 2022 - The Honorable Joseph BidenPresident of the United StatesThe White HouseWashington, DC 20500 The Honorable Nancy PelosiSpeakerU.S. House of RepresentativesWashington, DC 20515 The Honorable Chuck SchumerSenate Majority LeaderU.S. SenateWashington, DC 20510 The Honorable Kevin McCarthyHouse Republican LeaderU.S. House of RepresentativesWashington, DC 20515 The Honorable Mitch McConnellSenate Republican LeaderU.S. SenateWashington, DC 20510 RE: Enable Charitable Nonprofits to…