Showing 325 - 336 of 1091 results

Welcoming and supporting newcomers for more than a century

Story - April 7, 2021 - For more than 100 years, the Catholic Charities ministry in the United States has provided essential services to immigrants and newcomers. The reason transcends particular time periods, exigencies or politics.  Catholic Charities affirms the inherent, God-given dignity of immigrants and refugees, as well as every human person, and works to honor that dignity by helping…

Catholic Charities Omaha: Erasing poverty through entrepreneurship

Story - December 1, 2021 - By Ryan Eades Innovative member agency program seeks to break the cycle of poverty  As a cleaning professional for six years, Sylvia Sanchez Enciso had gotten used to working into the evenings, missing her children’s soccer practices and working on weekends. â€śI would work until 6:30 p.m. Monday to Friday,” Sylvia says. “Often, I would work weekends too, at least Saturday.”   Her…

Emergency vouchers meet needs in rural Eastern Washington

Story - November 19, 2019 - In 2015, the worst wildfires in Washington State history decimated housing in rural Okanogan, Ferry and Stevens Counties. The fires burned hundreds of thousands of acres and destroyed more than 300 homes, nearly a third of which were uninsured. Catholic Charities Eastern Washington (CCEW) responded swiftly. Our trucks arrived with blankets, towels, food and water…

Oregon’s Catholic agencies give critical support to Latinos in pandemic

Story - January 5, 2021 - The coronavirus has reshaped life in the United States in many ways, but in key respects it has affected Black, Native American and Latino individuals more than other racial or ethnic groups. People of color get sick and die of COVID-19 at rates higher than white individuals and higher than their share of the population,…

Catholic Charities Diocese of Green Bay

Member - August 17, 2015 - As missionary disciples, Catholic Charities labors in our communities, inviting and serving those who have often been left out or feel alone to know and experience the tremendous and abundant love of God through his son, Jesus Christ. Faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, we provide mental health counseling, financial counseling, adoption and…

Replica of Vatican migrant sculpture displayed in Brooklyn

Story - December 11, 2020 - The diocese of immigrants is temporarily the home of a sculpture depicting the movement of migrants. “Angels Unawares,” a replica of the artwork that sits in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican, was unveiled Dec. 8 by Brooklyn Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio and placed in front of the diocese’s public Christmas tree at Grand Army Plaza.…

Thankful for transportation

Story - November 4, 2019 - When we gather with our family or friends to celebrate Thanksgiving, we probably don’t think much about how we will get to the gathering. Transportation is something we often take for granted. It’s easy to forget that for many poor and vulnerable people in Ohio, transportation is one of the biggest barriers to success and…

Bishops’ survey reveals how pandemic has shaken diocesan, parish life

Story - July 14, 2020 - Nearly every bishop responding to a survey said the coronavirus pandemic has seriously affected the celebration of the sacraments and rites and sacramental preparation programs in their dioceses. Confirmations, first Communions, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and other sacramental preparation were the ministries most often cited by the bishops as being affected, according…

Veteran volunteer teaches cooking, confidence

Story - May 5, 2023 - Rock stars usually become famous with sharp vocals or by shredding on an electric guitar so loudly that it peels the paint off houses. Renatta Robertson is a rock star volunteer at Germaine’s Kitchen and CafĂ© whose tools include sharp knives, graters and peelers for vegetables. But her main implement is a passion for service…

Catholic Charities staffer offers congressional testimony on domestic violence prevention

Story - March 22, 2021 - Ami Novoryta, chief program officer at Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago, gave testimony before the House Committee on Education and Labor Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Human Services on March 22, 2021. The hearing, chaired by Representative Suzanne Bonamici (Dem., Oregon), was entitled “Ending the Cycle: Examining Ways to Prevent Domestic Violence and…

With children’s prayers nearby, bishops try to tackle immigration

Story - June 2, 2021 - Prayers, the kind only a child can make, were on display on a table of pleas written by migrant children near a small statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, as bishops from the U.S., Mexico and Central America gathered June 1 in Mundelein. The prelates came together for the first day of an emergency meeting…

Catholic Charities agencies prepare to help with damage caused by Hurricane Ida

Story - August 31, 2021 - Catholic Charities in and around the areas of Louisiana and Mississippi affected by Hurricane Ida — one of the most powerful storms to hit the continental U.S. since Hurricane Katrina in 2005 — are collecting donations as they prepare to help with the yet-unknown damage caused by the late August storm. In a televised Aug.…