Showing 301 - 312 of 662 results

Catholic leaders welcome eviction moratorium extension

Story - March 31, 2021 - The eviction moratorium put in place by the Centers for Disease Control has been extended three months, until June 30. The order from Dr. Rochelle Walensky, CDC director, said the extension was necessary to prevent potentially millions of renter households from being forced from their homes in the coming weeks. The action was welcomed by…

CCUSA appreciates bipartisan efforts in latest COVID relief bill

News - December 21, 2020 - CCUSA remains concerned on the long-term impact of the pandemic on the most vulnerable Alexandria, Va. – Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) appreciates the bipartisan efforts to pass another round of COVID relief and an end of the year funding bill to bring immediate assistance to people and communities in need. However, our concern remains on…

After car accident, journeying forward with help of Catholic Charities

Story - August 26, 2015 - Eugenia had three children with another on the way when her husband left the picture. Tough financial straits were exacerbated by a severe car crash, but Catholic Charities helped make sure their family was set to succeed. When Eugenia was left on her own, Catholic Charities’ Family Self-Sufficiency program helped her pay the rent, cover…

A father and daughter find housing and a new beginning

Story - July 25, 2022 - Stepping off a plane at Boston Logan Airport, moments after returning home from a trip, Orlando Fontanez’s phone began to buzz with text and voicemail notifications. One was from the mother of his then three-year-old daughter Najla. The other was from the Department of Children and Families. Both conveyed the same nerve-racking news — Najla…

May our voices ring

Prayer & Reflection - December 30, 2023 - Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice!! The refrain from the responsorial psalm reminds us during this Octave of Christmas to celebrate the Light that has come into our world, which sometimes can be a world of darkness. The Word Made Flesh dwells among us…and we rejoice. Amidst the celebrations and gifts, the…

Becoming a better dad through the Fatherhood Support Program

Story - October 5, 2016 - James* was one of the many dads referred to the Fatherhood Support program (FSP) of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Hartford. He did not want to go, and he made certain that everyone knew it. Starting with the first meeting he would just show up and sit, being sure to maintain an “I don’t…

Amid COVID-19 pandemic, pope prays for plight of the homeless

Story - April 2, 2020 - During his livestreamed daily morning Mass, Pope Francis prayed that the coronavirus pandemic may awaken people’s consciences to the plight of homeless men and women suffering in the world. At the start of the April 2 Mass in the chapel at his residence, the Domus Sanctae Marthae, the pope said he was struck by a…

Wednesday of the first week of Advent, 2022

Prayer & Reflection - November 30, 2022 - We visited our grandchildren last week to celebrate Thanksgiving. While walking back from a restaurant after a delightful meal of gumbo and gator bites, we passed between two dueling street preachers. One was standing on a wall, shouting to passersby that they were bound for hell if they didn’t immediately give their life to Jesus.…

Donor Advised Funds

Maximize your impact and support Catholic Charities with a Donor Advised Fund started with an initial investment of $1,500.

Don’t turn away from suffering on border, urges CCRGV director

Story - July 7, 2020 - In an opinion piece in The Washington Post daily newspaper, Sister Norma Pimentel, known for her work with migrants on the U.S.-Mexico border near Brownsville, Texas, made a public plea July 6 to keep an eye on the plight of asylum-seekers during the coronavirus pandemic. She also called for an end to the Migrant Protection…

A new season

Prayer & Reflection - December 26, 2023 - When they heard this, they were infuriated, and they ground their teeth at him… They threw him out of the city, and began to stone him. [Acts 7:54, 58] Yesterday, our great season of giving came to an end. Since early November, as we prepared for Thanksgiving, until yesterday, when we celebrated the birth of…

A SOUPer opportunity for women to rebuild lives

Story - January 7, 2019 - Since 1996, Healthy Sisters’ Soup & Bean Works (HSSBW), a program of the Catholic Family Center of Rochester, New York, has been helping women who come from backgrounds of drug abuse, unemployment, and poverty, to become independent, confident, and self-sufficient individuals. HSSBW provides an environment where the women can feel comfortable and be around others…