Showing 277 - 288 of 662 results

Year of Mercy: Clothe the naked

Prayer & Reflection - March 21, 2016 - Opening Prayer Almighty and merciful God, look with compassion on our affliction, and so lighten your children’s burden and confirm their faith, that they may always trust without hesitation in your gracious providence. Amen. Read Luke 10:25-37 Responsorial Psalm Psalm 25:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7, 10-11 R. But you, Lord, my strength, come quickly to help…

CCUSA urges support for evidence-based policymaking

News - July 29, 2015 - Last week, CCUSA Executive Vice President Brian Corbin wrote to the Senate to urge passage of the Evidence-Based Policymaking Commission Act of 2015. This act, which passed in the House last Monday, would create a 15-member commission to examine our country’s data collection and research policies, ensuring that researchers have access to powerful administrative data…

CCUSA, CRS, USCCB offer moral criteria for ongoing budget debate

News - May 18, 2023 - As the President and congressional leaders continue discussions this week regarding the debt ceiling, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Charities USA, and Catholic Relief Services wrote to Congress to address the moral and human dimensions of the ongoing budget debate. In light of the national deficit and inflation, Congress faces difficult choices…

Joint letter supporting H.R. 5856

News - March 7, 2024 - Catholic Charities USA, together with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Migration, Catholic Relief Services and the Catholic Health Association of the United States, expresses support for H.R. 5856, the “Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act of 2023.” Passed by the House of Representatives on February 13 with overwhelming bipartisan…

A journal of recovery efforts in U.S. Virgin Islands: October 2, 2017

Story - October 2, 2017 - The thing about an island-wide disaster is that… It’s island-wide. Or in the current case of the U.S. Virgin Islands, territory-wide. There is not one of the approximately 100,000 permanent residents of St. Thomas, St. Croix and St. John who was not adversely affected by one or the other – or both – of September’s…

Advocates demand ICE comply with order to release detained children

Story - July 30, 2020 - Franciscan Father Jacek Orzechowski and dozens of other immigration advocates rallied outside the Washington headquarters of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement July 27 calling on the agency to release immigrant children being held in detention with their parents. The group also brought 300,000 signatures on a petition demanding the agency release the children, but the…

Year of Mercy – Feed the Hungry

Prayer & Reflection - March 21, 2016 - OPENING PRAYER O God, you have provided food for all living things and showed us in Christ how to care for the world. May everyone trust in you, who feeds even the birds of the air. Amen. READ LUKE 9:11-17 RESPONSORIAL PSALM 42 R./ Give thanks to the LORD for he is good, his mercy…

Catholic group urges Biden to address COVID-19 vaccine access at G7 summit

Story - June 9, 2021 - A national Catholic group of over 50 religious and nonprofit organizations is urging President Joe Biden to address global COVID-19 vaccine access during the upcoming G7 summit. Donald McCrabb, convenor for the newly established Catholic Cares Coalition, signed a June 7 letter on behalf of the group working to promote the COVID-19 vaccine and address…

No longer living in a car, but thriving in her own home

Story - August 21, 2015 - She and her daughters used to live in their car. Now, they live in their own home thanks to Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Raleigh. Lateisha had two daughters and a job at a factory. After the factory closed, she lost her health insurance, and soon, her house. The three family members lived in…

Catholic Charities Fort Worth: Six-month COVID-19 service and lookback

Story - October 28, 2020 - In late March, the phones at Catholic Charities Fort Worth (CCFW) began ringing with the needs of the community following the onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Among the top needs to be addressed were the fear of not being able to make rent or utility payments, and the need for job readiness and placement…

Paths to Project Development: Converting Surplus Church Property into Affordable Housing (First Edition)

Publication - October 1, 2019 - Paths to Project Development (First Edition) presents examples of successful conversions of surplus church property into affordable housing units. This guide is a dynamic document featuring project profiles submitted by Catholic Charities member agencies. Summary Each surplus church property conversion project is unique, and the recommendations offered by member agency developers are meant to help…

Rejoice! He is Risen!

Prayer & Reflection - March 31, 2024 - Reverberating beneath the words of every reading for today’s glorious feast is the very human exclamation: “Pinch me! Is it true?”  Peter’s words in the first reading lay out the brief history of the apostles with the Christ – the chosen of God, Emmanuel. “Wait! Did we actually walk with him, see his baptism, watch…