Showing 253 - 264 of 1091 results

Catholic Charities of Buffalo provides workforce training

Story - November 13, 2020 - Catholic Charities of Buffalo, in conjunction with the Buffalo & Erie County Workforce Investment Board and C-Tech Associates, hosted the first graduation ceremony in Western New York for the C-Tech training program. Students received industry-recognized certificates in network cabling, copper and fiber optics, 5G systems, and grounding and bonding through the intensive 4-week training. Eight…

Catholic Charities of Louisville

Member - August 13, 2015 - Catholic Charities of Louisville is the social service ministry of the Archdiocese of Louisville, serving 24 counties and 110 parishes in central Kentucky. Our programs include anti-human trafficking, urban farming and refugee resettlement, among others. We serve anyone in need, regardless of race, status or beliefs. And what a need there is! Kentucky has the…

Multiple counties in Dubuque Archdiocese affected by powerful derecho

Story - August 21, 2020 - Sirens that usually warn people about approaching tornadoes went off about 15 minutes before the derecho storm struck the area of Cedar Rapids where St. Pius the X Church is located. Michael Becker, pastoral associate at the parish, realized eventually that what he was witnessing Aug. 10 was no tornado. He was at work when…

Birmingham agency honored with award for disaster relief excellence

News - December 8, 2023 - In recognition of its exemplary work in the wake of a tornado, Catholic Social Services, Diocese of Birmingham received the 2023 Great AIDE IDEA (Innovation in Disaster Excellence) award. This honor is bestowed annually by Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) during the Applied Institute for Disaster Excellence (AIDE). Catholic Social Services, Diocese of Birmingham was celebrated…

Lawmakers help homeless shelters in COVID-19 emergency bill

Story - March 31, 2020 - Homeless shelters and food banks are among groups helping the needy who will receive assistance in a $330 million COVID-19 emergency response bill passed by the Minnesota Legislature March 26 and signed into law by Gov. Tim Walz. More than $26 million of the package supports additional space, hygiene and sanitation efforts in homeless shelters,…

After violent storms, states face recovery while coping with pandemic

Story - April 17, 2020 - The Diocese of Birmingham “may have been spared greater disaster” because of Mary’s intercession when numerous tornadoes and widespread damaging winds ripped through Alabama and much of the South April 12 to April 13, said Bishop Robert J. Baker. “Because the Diocese of Birmingham falls in the trajectory of what is referred to as ‘Dixie…

Learning, inspiration at the 2024 Annual Gathering

News - September 24, 2024 - ALEXANDRIA, Va. — From September 16 through September 19, nearly 600 Catholic Charities staff, volunteers and supporters from around the country gathered in Oklahoma City for the 2024 Annual Gathering. Each year, Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA), the national membership organization representing 168 Catholic Charities agencies, convenes its network in a different city for several days…

Numbers of unaccompanied minors at border setting record

Story - July 27, 2021 - With a surge in the first few months of 2021 of minors entering the United States without a parent or guardian, figures from fiscal year 2020 already have surpassed the total of unaccompanied minors who made border entries during the previous fiscal year. Statistics from U.S. Customs and Border Protection show that over 76,000 minors…

Companions on the journey: Nuns continue border work during pandemic

Story - February 19, 2021 - At the Gateway International Bridge that links Brownsville, Texas, to Matamoros, Mexico, a group of volunteers and Catholic sisters pull portable carts with diapers, tents, food and supplies. They cross the border into Mexico on foot, a small caravan of about 10-20 people. Their destination is the migrant camp on the other side, where asylum-seekers…

The American Dream, unraveled

Story - July 2, 2019 - Marie and Bob worked all their lives to become homeowners. They lived comfortably on their two stable incomes. But six years ago, their hard-earned American Dream started to unravel before their eyes. They found out they had been victims of predatory lending, and they were forced to foreclose, declare bankruptcy, and move out of their…

Hawai‘i Community Foundation grants $100,000 to those impacted by COVID-19

Story - April 16, 2020 - Financial assistance for Kaua‘i residents suffering severe financial hardships from the COVID-19 situation is now available through Catholic Charities Hawai‘i (CCH), thanks to a $100,000 grant from the Hawai‘i Community Foundation. CCH received a grant this week from the Hawai‘i Resiliency Fund at the Hawai‘i Community Foundation. In response to the ongoing situation, the grant…

Father Fred Kammer, former CCUSA president and CEO, is voice for Gospel-based justice

Story - July 23, 2021 - Although Jesuit Father Fred Kammer is stepping down as executive director of the Jesuit Social Research Institute in his native New Orleans come July 31, he’s nowhere near ready to fully retire and stop his work to end racism, ease poverty and promote immigrant justice. As the center’s director since 2009, Father Kammer has kept…