Showing 13 - 24 of 662 results

CCUSA urges Congress to provide further protection for DACA recipients

News - February 9, 2018 - Alexandria, Va. — Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) President and CEO Sister Donna Markham OP, PhD welcomed the two-year budget agreement passed by Congress last night and urges Congress to pass a bill to provide protections for DACA recipients.   “Through this agreement, communities impacted by hurricanes and wildfires can begin to heal and rebuild. In addition, it…

CCUSA president and CEO condemns failure to protect DACA recipients

News - February 16, 2018 - Alexandria, Va. – Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) President and CEO Sister Donna Markham OP, PhD expressed her deep disappointment over today’s failure by the U.S. Senate to pass a bill to provide protections for DACA recipients: “It is deeply heartbreaking that the Senate was unable to pass a bill today to provide protections for DACA…

CCUSA urges passage of Housing Opportunities through Modernization Act

News - March 21, 2016 - CCUSA joins a broad cross-section of stakeholders in the housing affordability realm in urging the Senate to pass “The Housing Opportunities through Modernization Act” (H.R. 3700), without delay. The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 3700 unanimously on February 2, 2016. This legislation represents the best of bipartisan work and compromise.Our nation faces tremendous housing…

Circle of Protection urges disaster assistance package for Puerto Rico

News - March 28, 2019 - The Circle of Protection, a coalition of 60 leaders who head Christian denominations and organization, urges Congress  to immediately pass a disaster assistance package with $600 million for Puerto Rico’s Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP). Absent action, 1.35 million people in Puerto Rico, a third of its population, will see deep cuts to their current nutrition…

Iraqi couple safely resettled in U.S.

Story - August 12, 2016 - “If you like your life, if you want to live, you have to escape. You cannot fight, you have to escape. You have two options. Nomore.” Edrees worked as an interpreter for the United States Army and other American organizations when he was in Iraq. Every day he lived in constant fear for his life…

Ensuring no parent has to watch their child go hungry

Story - August 24, 2015 - Watching your children go without food is one of the hardest experiences any parent could think of. Thankfully, Sam* no longer has to face that reality. A single dad with five children under the age of 13, Sam lost his job when he couldn’t find affordable child care, and was on the verge of losing…

CCUSA partners with USD on nonprofit executive management certificate

News - February 14, 2022 - Program tailored to the values and unique needs of Catholic Charities agency leadership Alexandria, Va. — Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) announces the launch of the “Certificate in Nonprofit Executive Management” in partnership with the University of San Diego, a top private Catholic institution. The program is tailored to the values and unique needs of leaders…

Reflections on the Joy of the Gospel

Prayer & Reflection - December 13, 2016 - Introduction Pope Francis might have written The Joy of the Gospel specifically for the Catholic Charities network. No other papal exhortation in recent memory speaks so clearly and directly to those of us who work to reduce poverty in all its many forms. The Joy of the Gospel affirms that we see the face of…

Disaster Training Toolkit

Updated June 4, 2021 The E-Learning Video Resource Library is available as a one-stop shop for tools and training to build your disaster capacity. The library contains training videos and recordings of webinars on topics such as Disaster Basics, Establishing a Point of Distribution, Disaster Case Management and Concept of Operations. A Crash Course in…

COVID-19 takes toll on immigrant, refugee communities in Nashville

Story - July 20, 2020 - Middle Tennessee’s immigrant and refugee communities have been hit particularly hard by the COVID-19 virus. In response, parishes and Catholic Charities of Tennessee have been trying to provide the spiritual and material support they need to persevere through the pandemic. “We have some parishioners, they are very, very sick,” said Father David Ramirez, the director…

‘I want better for my children’

Story - August 6, 2024 - Young parents graduate Catholic Charities Boston HiSET Program together. For Gislani, a young mother of two boys both under the age of two, the past few years have been anything but predictable. A few weeks after first becoming a mother at the age of 19, Gislani learned that the home where she had been living…