Showing 205 - 216 of 1076 results

CCUSA president and CEO recognized by The NPT as a top leader

News - August 9, 2022 - Alexandria, Va. — For the seventh year in a row, Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) President and CEO, Sister Donna Markham, OP, PhD, was recognized by The NonProfit Times (NPT) in its Power & Influence Top 50 leaders for 2022. Paul Cholery, NPT vice president and editorial director, wrote, “A lot of social sector people talk…

CCUSA president and CEO expresses concern over immigration proposal

News - January 29, 2018 - Alexandria, Va. — The recent proposal by President Trump detailing a path to citizenship for people who were brought to the United States as young children — many of whom are called Dreamers — was met with some concerns by Sister Donna Markham OP, PhD, president and CEO of Catholic Charities USA. “While we are…

CCUSA welcomes Supreme Court ruling to protect Catholic Social Services of Philadelphia

News - June 17, 2021 - Alexandria, Va. (June 17, 2021)–Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) issued the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling in favor of religious freedom in the Fulton v. City of Philadelphia case. Catholic Charities USA welcomes the court’s ruling today to protect Catholic Social Services of Philadelphia’s ability to serve people in need in…

A place to call home: CCUSA magazine features housing ministry

News - May 8, 2019 - Alexandria, Va. – Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) and its 167 member agencies want to keep a promise made 70 years ago. The Housing Act of 1949, part of President Harry Truman’s Fair Deal program, listed as one of its goals a decent home and a suitable living environment for every family. The goal has not…

CCUSA celebrates passage of tax extenders package

News - December 18, 2015 - Sister Donna Markham OP, PhD, President & CEO of Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA), speaking on behalf of Catholic Charities member agencies and the many people struggling with poverty whom Catholic Charities serve, welcomed the agreement on the tax extenders package and year end omnibus appropriations bills. “The fact that the tax extenders package passed with…

CCUSA urges Congress to provide further protection for DACA recipients

News - February 9, 2018 - Alexandria, Va. — Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) President and CEO Sister Donna Markham OP, PhD welcomed the two-year budget agreement passed by Congress last night and urges Congress to pass a bill to provide protections for DACA recipients.   “Through this agreement, communities impacted by hurricanes and wildfires can begin to heal and rebuild. In addition, it…

CCUSA applauds USDA’s billion-dollar investment to help food insecure

News - June 7, 2021 - Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) applauds USDA’s $1 billion investment to purchase healthy food for food-insecure Americans and build food bank capacity. This funding will be made available to help support the expansion of food distribution programs across every state and territory and potentially increase local agency storage and refrigeration capacity and address the growing need…

“Keep the Dream Alive Honors” recognize commitment to social justice

News - January 19, 2016 - Alexandria, Virginia (January 18, 2016) — Five individuals with a history of working on the front lines for justice and opportunity for all will be recognized with the national “Keep the Dream Alive Honors” from Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) in appreciation for their lifelong commitment and service. “I am pleased to help Catholic Charities agencies…

U.S. Catholic community supports robust use of TPS

News - July 19, 2022 - Alexandria, Va. – In a letter to the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of State, U.S. Catholic leaders expressed gratitude for several recent country designations for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and called for the same status for additional countries that are experiencing armed conflict, environmental disasters and other dangerous conditions. Catholic Charities USA…

Caring for Earth and for each other: Laudato Sí and Catholic Charities

News - February 6, 2020 - Alexandria, Va. – The winter issue of Charities USA magazine highlights the varied ways that the Catholic Charities ministry implements the vision of Pope Francis’ encyclical on the care for our common home, Laudato Sí, which was released five years ago on May 24, 2015. In addition to featuring environmentally-friendly initiatives, such as solar panel…

CCUSA president and CEO condemns failure to protect DACA recipients

News - February 16, 2018 - Alexandria, Va. – Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) President and CEO Sister Donna Markham OP, PhD expressed her deep disappointment over today’s failure by the U.S. Senate to pass a bill to provide protections for DACA recipients: “It is deeply heartbreaking that the Senate was unable to pass a bill today to provide protections for DACA…

Women religious volunteer at US-Mexico border

News - June 1, 2021 - Alexandria, Va. — Sister Donna Markham OP, PhD, president and CEO of CCUSA, in collaboration with Sister Carol Zinn SSJ, executive director of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), invited LCWR members to join Catholic Charities agencies in welcoming asylum seekers entering the country at the southern border. The sisters responded immediately and generously…