With great courage

As we continue our journey through Lent, we begin to see with much more urgency the struggles that Jesus was going to face. Today’s gospel tells us that while some thought he was a prophet or the Christ, others questioned, “Why is he from Galilee? Isn’t he supposed to come from Bethlehem and come from David’s lineage?” It will certainly get worse — some were ready to arrest him a week before Holy Week — but no one laid a hand on him. The guards said, “No one has ever spoken like this before.” The Pharisees countered, “Have you also been deceived?”
What strikes me today are the challenges Jesus faces from all sides. He continues to minister and reach out to heal the poor, the sick and those will evil spirits. With great courage he enters Jerusalem, knowing very well that he will probably die in that place. His courage, his steadfast commitment to his ministry, his love for everyone he meets, particularly the downtrodden, is an example to us all.
We admit we have our doubts too, but we continue to serve, even amidst the struggles that come with watching over and taking care of those in need.
These last two weeks of Lent, let us reflect on the great love of Jesus, His commitment to us, and His willingness to die on our behalf. My invitation as we prepare for the fifth Sunday of Lent tomorrow — and St. Patrick’s Day, no less — is to prepare for the tragedy and suffering of Holy Week, and one week later the great gift of the Resurrection.
May our God bless us all as we celebrate the Paschal Mystery.
Fr. John Enzler is recently retired as the President of Catholic Charities DC and is now the Mission Advocate for the Catholic Charities DC team.