The treasury in our hearts

Lent is a wonderful time to look at the treasury in our hearts and consider the two sides of ourselves and of those with whom we work.
Like the coins we use daily, each of us has two sides that are a part of one treasure. Today’s readings emphasize the option to flip our lives so our appearance matches our true self. We’re invited to make our reality match our appearance.
The two sides of our life-coins are the appearance we show to others and the reality of how we live. Sometimes we can look good — like the scribes and the Pharisees — and be rotting inside. At other times we can look bad and be either good or bad inside. Or, we can both look good and be good — which is the goal!
Appearances are important. If we present ourselves as being available to help people who are in distress, it’s important that we look kind and welcoming. Do we? But even if we look like we care— do we?
Reality is critical. If someone comes to us, do we try to see through appearances to their reality of pain and anger so we can help them change their reality to a hopeful turning to God? Or do we reject the bedrock of their goodness and effort because they appear to be unpleasant or ungrateful?
If you re-read today’s lessons, and flip your coin a few times, you can choose to adjust the value of your treasury and get insight on how to help others do the same.
Sister Mary Louise Stubbs, Daughter of Charity, has served for many years in a variety of Catholic Charities, health and development ministries all of which have been focused on assistance to persons who have been trapped in poverty situations.