More than words

Both the Old Testament reading and the Gospel today give us strikingly similar images of cities and buildings crumbling and falling. Isaiah, true to form, calls to mind explicitly the poor among us. He even suggests that the cause of the city’s ruin is the neglect of the poor. The writer of Matthew’s Gospel issues a warning: just saying the right words will not be enough. The God of Jesus would rather that we do as directed. It’s the following that matters: the actions, more than the words. Those who do as God commands will have a sure foundation in faith. I take this to mean the positive commands — not so much the “thou shalt nots,” but more the “thou shalls”.
It’s tempting to say that we in the Catholic Charities world have a head start. We dedicate ourselves to the care of God’s precious people among us, those whom St. Teresa of Calcutta described as “Christ in His most distressing disguise.” We are Matthew 25 people, called and commissioned to feed, to heal, to house, to welcome, to visit, to clothe. And so much more. We spend our days in the doing part of the following that Jesus seeks.
At least once each week, dear Mehmed comes to our main offices to see our Immigration Legal Services staff. Mehmed is from the Middle East and, blessedly, has an actionable immigration case. His grasp of English is poor, but without fail he beams a bright smile, nods his head and offers a “thank you.” His case is in the slow grind of the U.S. legal system and the next steps won’t arrive until 2026. But he comes regularly to check in and make sure things are on track. His faith in us is powerful. He humbles me with his warmth, deference, determination and gentle good humor in the face of uncertainty and his great need.
When I am centered in our mission of feeding, healing and welcoming, I can greet Mehmed as one of the stand-ins for Jesus knocking on our door. Jesus, Son of God, for whom we wait in joyful hope during Advent, help us to welcome You during these weeks, in all the ways You come to us. That will set our house firmly on rock.
Scott Cooper is director of mission at Catholic Charities of Eastern Washington, serves on the CCUSA Parish Social Ministry leadership team and holds down the tenor section of the choir at Sacred Heart Parish in Spokane.