Hope in troubling times
As I reflect on today’s readings, I am sensing a feeling of hope in troubling times. I believe we are all placed here with a purpose orchestrated by God. However, as we journey through life, we can face incredible opposition that shakes our faith. Thankfully, God can exceed any possibility that our minds can fathom.
When our faith is the strongest, the attacks from the enemy are the harshest. Why is this so? The enemy recognizes our level of trust and seeks to destroy it. Early in my spiritual walk, I was taught that I should always keep the word of God in my heart and my ear toward heaven. As it is easier to fear what we do not understand, the Holy Spirit’s unction is vital in organizing our steps.
I have learned that attacks can be brought on by those we love most or are trying to help — Jesus Christ was a witness to this through the betrayal of Judas.
Within the ministry of Catholic Charities, we have been charged with serving our sisters and brothers with the love of Christ, despite the opposition we face. People around the country are struggling in a dark and scary world. However, Catholic Charities shines a light, making life’s challenges easier to see and avoid. Catholic Charities shows compassion even when it appears to be an unpopular choice.
As we continue this Lenten season, let’s be reminded that light overcomes darkness and allows others to see our good works. Let’s be the light of Christ, and shine bright in the lives of the people we serve, regardless of the opposition we will face.
Sheena Lefaye Crews is the senior creative director of Catholic Charities USA, a future Baptist minister, and a devoted auntie to twins Ella and Theo.