God’s plan for the salvation of all
Our readings today bring clarity about how we separate ourselves from God’s loving embrace and the call to life in Christ.
The first reading is the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. God calls to Adam to come out of hiding and show himself to God. Adam is embarrassed by his appearance, and then throws Eve “under the bus” when questioned by God. While Eve answers God’s questions, she is in the same predicament as Adam. Both recognize that they’ve disobeyed God and have sought to justify their actions by blaming others. They have broken their relationship with God and their trust with each other. Humanity has struggled to regain a sense of right relationship with God and community ever since this first encounter of sin.
The second reading allows us to glimpse and understand that our sole purpose is to find ways to express our love for God, as God continues to express love for each of us. We were blessed to receive the Son of God, we were blessed to receive redemption from sin and evil, and it is offered to all. We are blessed by God. Let us find ways to continue to praise and lift God’s goodness and love to one another, those we meet, and those we serve!
Finally, today’s Gospel message is the visitation of the angel Gabriel to Mary. In a time that could be frightening, Gabriel shares a presence of calm and assurance, saying, “…Hail, full of grace…Do not be afraid…” Perhaps the most calming and reassuring words are Mary’s: “I am a handmaid of the Lord.”
Today, our church celebrates the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. It is a day we recognize that Mary, Mother of God, was born without sin. We celebrate that Mary was, is and will always be an integral part of God’s plan for the salvation of all. Sin is what keeps us separate and disconnected from one another, from our community and from our God who is loving and the source of goodness in our world.
One takeaway for me is that there is nothing I will do/can do/or be that will ever be hidden from God. When we understand that the pursuit of ‘right relationship’ is a communal effort that is right and good, then our work at Catholic Charities agencies across the country not only makes sense, but should be pursued with love, justice, hope and peace. This is the invitation from the ‘Immaculate Conception.’ This is our call to embrace the peace and work of Advent for her Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Genevieve Mougey is executive director of Catholic Charities Wyoming.