Daily Reflection: Wednesday of the First Week of Advent, 2017

    December 6, 2017

    Readings of the Day

    Today is the feast of St. Nicholas!

    All three of today’s Scripture readings speak of
    feasts — “a feast of rich food and fine wine”…”You spread the
    table before me”…”They all ate and were satisfied…They picked up the
    fragments left over…seven baskets full.”

    These feasts are all provided by “the Lord of hosts for
    all people” — our Shepherd, Jesus!

    While each involves food, they include much more — “He
    will destroy the veil that veils all people”…”He will destroy death
    forever”…”the Lord God will wipe away the tears from all
    faces”…”the reproach of His people He will
    remove”…”Beside restful waters He leads me, He refreshes my
    soul”…”He guides me in right paths”…”He cured them. The
    crowds were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the deformed made whole,
    the lame walking, and the blind able to see.”

    Today’s Gospel hints that Jesus prefers to work His miracles
    in and through His followers. He asks His disciples what they have, accepts
    what they offer, gives thanks, breaks up the offerings, and has the disciples
    distribute them.

    Are not our roles as Catholic Charities workers similar to
    those of the disciples?

    It seems to me that if we are going to have something to offer,
    then we too have to avail ourselves of the feasts God provides for us.

    This Advent let Jesus lead you to restful waters, refresh
    your soul, and guide you in right paths. Partake of the finest food and
    choicest wine by receiving the Eucharist as often as possible. Be satisfied, and
    not wasteful. Then “behold” how “the Lord comes to save His
    people,” you and the people you serve!

    Gwen Hall, LCSW, is a mental health counselor for the Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Lexington’s Prestonsburg, KY office and is also the diocesan contact for Project Rachel and Rachel’s Vineyard.

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