Another way forward

Advent is one of my favorite seasons the liturgical calendar, not only because of its vibrant imagery — from purple vestments to the beautiful and fragrant Advent wreath — but most particularly for the scriptural readings proclaimed at Mass. I especially appreciate their almost counter-intuitive nature: juxtapositions of swords beaten into ploughshares, light born on the darkest of nights and the poor raised up to royal status by God.
Today’s readings are no exception: in the first reading we hear the prophet Baruch’s vision of hope expressed through imagery of valleys lifted up and mountains made low so the Israelites returning from exile might “walk safely in the glory of God.” Similarly, Luke’s Gospel introduces the ministry of Saint John the Baptist — “a voice crying out in the desert: preparing the way of the Lord, making straight his path”…where winding roads are made straight, and rough ways made smooth.
For me, these scriptures are hope-filled reminders that, in these often-difficult days, Advent is the perfect time to remember that there is another way forward — God’s way: a way that looks for methods to repair what is broken, put an end oppression, promote justice and recognize the dignity of every person we encounter.
God’s way makes crooked paths straight and rough ways smooth for all who suffer — the sick, the unemployed, the poor, the incarcerated, the homeless, the undocumented, the uncared for, the unheard and unloved. In essence, this is what the work of Catholic Charities is everyday — across our country and throughout the world — not just at Advent, but throughout the year. We pursue God’s way and respond to all who suffer with compassionate help that cares for the sick, finds jobs for the unemployed, assists the poor, visits the imprisoned, houses the homeless, welcomes the stranger and provides hope for all God’s children, working to make straighter and smoother their path through life.
This Advent — like Saint John the Baptist did two millennia ago — let us pursue God’s way by making straight and smooth the path for all of our brothers and sisters.
Tom Dobbins Jr. is the director of public and community engagement and social and parish engagement for Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York, a producer for the “JustLove” radio broadcast on Sirius/XM’s Catholic Channel 129, and a board co-chair of the National Association of Catholic Social Action and Mission (formerly known as the Roundtable Association of Catholic Diocesan Social Action Directors).