
Last year, Catholic Charities agencies nationwide served more than 15 million of our at-risk neighbors — people without homes, those who are unemployed or underemployed, children who are hungry or malnourished, elderly persons who are isolated, vulnerable migrants and refugees on the move, families recovering from natural disasters, pregnant women and new mothers in need, and persons with disabilities who have inadequate care.
Every day, in every corner of the United States and its territories, Catholic Charities agencies provide comfort, hope and relief to vulnerable people and those living in poverty, regardless of their faith or background. Our work upholds the inherent dignity of all persons.
The membership of CCUSA is made up of 168 diocesan Catholic Charities agencies. Each falls under the auspices of its local bishop/archbishop and serves the needs of the community in which it is located.
Whatever you did for one of these least of mine, you did for me.
Matthew 25:40

Our Vision
As Catholic Charities, we labor in the streets inviting and serving those who have been left out to know and experience the tremendous and abundant love of God through Jesus Christ. We commit ourselves to break down walls of division that keep sisters and brothers separated from one another, excluded, or rendered disposable by our society. With joy, we resolve to build bridges of hope, mercy and justice toward the creation of a culture of communal care responsive to the cries of those who are poor.

But a Samaritan traveler who came upon him was moved with compassion at the sight. He approached the victim, poured oil and wine over his wounds and bandaged them. Then he lifted him up on his own animal, took him to an inn and cared for him.
Luke 10: 33-34
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Catholic Charities USA
CCUSA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is the national membership organization for Catholic Charities agencies throughout the United States and its territories, providing them valuable support and resources. It was founded in 1910 by men and women who believed that the collective efforts of the Catholic Church to faithfully serve people in need can change the course of poverty in our nation. CCUSA is a member of Caritas Internationalis, a worldwide federation of Catholic social service organizations.
- Disaster Response
- Funding and In-Kind Donations
- Innovation
- Advocacy, Communications and Research
- Convening
- Personal and Professional Development Opportunities
- Talent and Benefits

a national effort
Disaster Response
In 1990, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops commissioned CCUSA to be the official domestic disaster relief agency to respond to natural and human-made disasters in the United States. CCUSA’s Disaster Response Team coordinates the Catholic Church’s response and grants relief funds to local Catholic Charities agencies to support their relief efforts.

supporting our agencies
Funding and In-Kind Donations
CCUSA provides millions of dollars in financial assistance and in-kind donations each year to our agencies, including joint grant opportunities, housing gap loan funding and help for communities reeling from natural disasters.

amplifying our efforts
CCUSA provides opportunities to Catholic Charities agencies to create innovative programming and services through joint grant applications and pilot programs that amplify our strategic priorities — from investment in novel job training programs to technology integrations, from wraparound services to advancements in disaster response.

conversation and collaboration
Advocacy, Communications and Research
CCUSA engages in conversation with national policymakers on Capitol Hill and the administration and collaborates with other national organizations working in the same spheres. CCUSA also responds to national storylines that intersect with the work of network agencies and manages the organization’s national reputation in times of crisis. Finally, CCUSA staff conduct an annual survey to report on the national impact of the Catholic Charities network and consult with agency leaders on their data needs.

gathering together
Convenings bring together the church and people of good will to serve the community. Catholic Charities collaborates with other agencies and community leaders to solve local/national problems, to help those in need and to advocate on their behalf. More broadly, Catholic social teaching emphasizes the call to family, community and participation.
CCUSA hosts trainings and meetings, sharing resources and best practices. At the Annual Gathering and other in-person meetings, leaders and staff network with peers nationwide, engaging in learning sessions and site visits.
Communities of Practice are organized around common interest areas for professional development and resource sharing, and a digital community, CCConnect, centralizes communication among staff and agencies. Staff implement Catholic social teachings through ethical practices informed by the CCUSA Code of Ethics and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Services.

Catholic leadership
Personal and Professional Development Opportunities
CCUSA provides a number of professional development opportunities, including the weeklong O’Grady Leadership Institutes in which Catholic Charities leaders explore ethical decision-making, racism and poverty, Catholic social teaching and service within a pluralistic society. Catholic Charities agency leaders may also pursue a Certificate in Nonprofit Executive Management, in partnership with the University of San Diego, that emphasizes leadership and management skills unique to those in the Catholic Charities network.

caring for staff
Talent and Benefits
CCUSA guides the O’Grady Catholic Health Trust that provides agencies with high-quality healthcare benefits and resources at an affordable cost consistent with ethical and religious directives prescribed by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). AmeriCorps VISTA members engage in a year of service at CCUSA and CC agencies, building capacity and helping to alleviate poverty through indirect service. CCUSA also assists in talent acquisition through a consolidated job board.