Showing 1 - 12 of 675 results

Students learn about, practice Catholic social teaching in Northeast Kansas

Story - April 26, 2021 - By David Werning, Managing Editor St. Paul asks the Romans a rhetorical question: “How can people believe in Jesus if they haven’t heard of him?” (See Rom 10:14). St. Paul’s point: Go out and tell people.  Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas (CCNEK) got the point. CCNEK helps those living in the 21 counties of northeast Kansas…

Washington Archdiocese offers practical steps to care for creation

Story - August 19, 2021 - Launched Aug. 16, the Archdiocese of Washington’s action plan to promote “an integral ecology” includes practical ways that parishes, Catholic schools and institutions, and individuals and families can care for creation, drawing on environmental science and inspired by Catholic social teaching. After Pope Francis issued his landmark 2015 encyclical on the environment, “Laudato Si’, on…

CCUSA appreciates bipartisan efforts in latest COVID relief bill

News - December 21, 2020 - CCUSA remains concerned on the long-term impact of the pandemic on the most vulnerable Alexandria, Va. – Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) appreciates the bipartisan efforts to pass another round of COVID relief and an end of the year funding bill to bring immediate assistance to people and communities in need. However, our concern remains on…

Reflections on the Joy of the Gospel

Prayer & Reflection - December 13, 2016 - Introduction Pope Francis might have written The Joy of the Gospel specifically for the Catholic Charities network. No other papal exhortation in recent memory speaks so clearly and directly to those of us who work to reduce poverty in all its many forms. The Joy of the Gospel affirms that we see the face of…

Whole Hearted: Participant Journal for Young Adults

Publication - August 4, 2022 - Trauma-aware parishes can: demonstrate sensitivity to trauma’s impact on its members and their loved ones;  help parishioners recognize their experience of, and responses to, trauma; and provide restorative spiritual and professional resources in a variety of ways.     Summary Catholic Charities USA’s Whole Hearted is a parish-based trauma-awareness resource that integrates spirituality and religious practices with behavioral health. …

Gorilla Marketing, Hit Promotional Products raise pandemic funds for CCUSA

News - March 31, 2020 - Practice Safe 6’™ Shirt to Promote Positive Social Distancing While Raising Funds to Meet the Needs of the Most Vulnerable  [RIVERSIDE, CA; ALEXANDRIA, VA; LARGO, FL; March 31, 2020] – Gorilla Marketing, Hit Promotional Products, and Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) announce a unique collaboration that promotes positive social distancing and puts needed resources to work…

Apostolic Nuncio to U.S. Addresses CCUSA Annual Gathering

Story - September 17, 2018 - Good afternoon! I am happy to be with you as you address the theme of migration in the context of the beautiful story of the the disciples on the road to Emmaus. As the Apostolic Nuncio, the representative of the Holy Father to the United States, I want to express the spiritual closeness and paternal…

All we have been given

Prayer & Reflection - March 1, 2024 - There is a saying among storytellers that “the story begins when the teller stops talking.” This could certainly be applied to today’s Gospel. The parable Jesus tells leaves me with more questions than answers. What were they thinking? Was violence really the best response? Did they really think that killing the son would bring about…

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Effective Date: October 31, 2023 Introduction Catholic Charities USA (“CCUSA,” “we,” “us” or “our”) provides the CCUSA website (“Website”) to you (“You” or “User,” collectively “Users”). This Privacy Policy applies to the collection of personal information by CCUSA through and any sub-domains thereof (each of which constituting a part of the Website).…

The mandate to loving service

Prayer & Reflection - March 28, 2024 - I don’t know about you, but as I move on in years, things seem to move on faster! I won’t give my age… Yet here we are again in Holy Week and the start of our sacred Triduum with Holy Thursday. Over the years, I have written a number of reflections on this day of…

Catholic Charities agencies engage with schools and communities

News - April 22, 2021 - Alexandria, Va. (April 22, 2021) – The latest issue of Charities USA focuses on how Catholic Charities agencies engage with Catholic schools. You will learn ways Catholic Charities agencies interact with students: by providing mental health/counseling services and offering service projects that help the community. For example: The School Mental Health Program at Catholic Charities…

Whole Hearted Participant Journal for Adults

Publication - August 4, 2022 - Whole Hearted is meant to provide basic and helpful trauma awareness. It is not clinical or professional therapy. It informs participants of trauma’s impact and how one might begin to move forward mentally and spiritually.