Working to Reduce Poverty in America

Lenten appeal 2025
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Your matched gift during the season of Lent will support those most in need and put faith into action. Through your generosity, the love of Christ is made concrete.
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What We Do
The work of Catholic Charities is a tangible response to the Gospel call to care for the least among us.
It is concentrated in a number of priority areas.
- Affordable Housing
- Food and Nutrition
- Integrated Health
- Disaster Relief
- Social Enterprise and Workforce Development
- Immigration Services
- Foundational Services
- Parish Engagement

Affordable Housing
Catholic Charities agencies are among the nation’s largest providers of safe, decent, affordable housing, with more than 38,000 permanent units for families, seniors, veterans and others, as well as temporary and emergency housing.

Food and Nutrition
Catholic Charities provides healthy food options for those at risk of hunger via food banks and pantries, schools, child and adult daycare centers, summer lunch programs, group dining settings, community farms and more.

Integrated Health
Through care for the whole person — physical, mental and spiritual well-being, or integral human development — everyone can realize their full potential. Agencies offer services including counseling and mental health care, addiction recovery and support, case management and caregiver support.

Disaster Relief
CCUSA is the official domestic relief agency of the U.S. Catholic Church, providing critical, immediate humanitarian support and long-term aid to rebuild lives and restore hope in communities devastated by natural and human-made disasters.

Immigration Services
Catholic Charities agencies provide care to all our sisters and brothers, many of whom come to us in their time of greatest need. Our ministry to vulnerable people on the move is a cornerstone of our Catholic identity.

Foundational Services
Rooted in the belief that every person is made in God’s image, Catholic Charities responds to clients’ economic, social, cultural, personal and spiritual needs, from conception to natural death. Programs help those served — especially those living in poverty — reach their full potential.

Parish Engagement
Catholic Charities has a more than 100-year history of engaging with parishes and supporting their efforts to live out the Gospel, to care for the poor and vulnerable and to work for justice.
Need assistance? Find a local Catholic Charities agency.

How You Can Help
Explore all the ways you can contribute to support the mission of Catholic Charities USA.

Monthly Giving
A recurring gift to Catholic Charities USA will increase the impact of your generosity and spread your tax deduction throughout the year.

Create Your Legacy
Put your donation to work today and leave a legacy for years to come by planning your bequest to Catholic Charities USA.

Real Estate Donation
Giving property or real estate to Catholic Charities USA is a win-win for the donor and the vulnerable people Catholic Charities serves.
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Social Enterprise and Workforce Development
These programs offer strategies to improve an individual’s potential in the workplace while contributing to the alleviation of poverty. Social enterprise business models build community alliances and healthy communities, and workforce development programs encourage innovation and job growth.