Showing 337 - 348 of 433 results

Catholic Social Services, Philadelphia

Member - August 17, 2015 - Since 1797, Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia has worked to change lives with faith-filled compassion. We provide a network of social service programs, rooted in the Catholic faith. Our social service programs provide help and create hope that fosters dignity, independence and opportunity. Catholic Social Services is the area’s largest social service…

Competing House, Senate bills on economic recovery

Story - July 30, 2020 - The Democratic-led House approved the HEROES Act in May. The Republican-led Senate introduced the HEALS Act July 27. Besides the competing acronyms, the two bills offer competing visions of what it will take to keep the staggering American economy from landing on the canvas during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. HEROES stands for Health and Economic…

Hope takes root: One company’s generous response to Laudato si’ Challenge

Story - January 19, 2021 - By Daria Earley, Family Strengthening Associate, AmeriCorps VISTA 50,000 refugee clients set to benefit from generous seed donation Five years ago, in his encyclical letter, Laudato si’: On Care for Our Common Home, His Holiness Pope Francis entreated all humans to become better stewards of both one another and our burdened planet. In response to this…

J. Antonio Fernandez of Catholic Charities San Antonio recognized by city

Story - January 18, 2019 - Catholic Charities of San Antonio (CCSA) President/CEO, J. Antonio Fernandez has been recognized twice by the great city of San Antonio for his leadership and work serving all people with love, respect, and dignity. Fernandez continues to elevate the position of Catholic Charities as the premier social services agency in the city for those seeking…

CCUSA continues to urge passage of Second Chance Act

News - July 30, 2015 - Recently, hundreds of you have joined us in calling on Congress to act on the Second Chance Act and these efforts are showing returns! Last week, the Second Chance Act was introduced in the House with broad bi-partisan support (15 Democrat and 13 Republican co-sponsors). If you have not already taken action, please keep the…

CCUSA president and CEO signs Circle of Protection letter to House Task Force to end poverty

News - May 27, 2016 - The steering committee of the Circle of Protection, a coalition of 60 leaders who head Christian denominations and organizations, has sent a letter to the House Task Force on Poverty, Opportunity, and Upward Mobility asking for a meeting to discuss ways in which to end poverty and hunger in the United States. The Circle of…

Families just like ours

Story - January 10, 2019 - Since 1941, the mission of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of San Antonio (CCSA) has been to selflessly serve our community under the sign of love. Every day we find ourselves helping others in crisis, and every day “crisis” looks different. One thing I know for sure is that we are called to encounter and…

Catholic Social Services Diocese of Scranton

Member - August 17, 2015 - Rooted in the Gospel, the mission of Catholic Social Services is to serve individuals and families in poverty and hardship, as we are called by Christ to do, and to respond compassionately to their needs. As a Catholic agency since 1877, we advocate for individual dignity and self-sufficiency and actively give of ourselves to replace…

Thank you for picking us

Story - June 1, 2021 - By Tara Ford, Director of Marketing Communications, Catholic Charities of San Antonio No one really knows the trauma, sadness, and grief of a teenage boy traveling alone through another country in search of a hopeful future in the United States. To overcome trauma, one needs positive relationships, a healthy lifestyle, and strong community support. One needs…

We travel by faith, not by sight

Story - June 29, 2021 - By Sister Evelyn Lobo, SSpS “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.” Genesis 12:1 Catholic Charities USA requested of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) for sisters to volunteer at Catholic Charities border sites in California, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. They were…

A Couple Catches a “Lucky Break”

News - March 9, 2023 - Peter & Rachel Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico Peter, a veteran, was disabled in a 2012 workplace accident. No longer employed, he moved to Tucson with a friend. Every place, including the VA, had limited housing resources. Then he met his love, Rachel. But rent was always just out of reach, even…

Catholic Charities Oklahoma City

Member - August 17, 2015 - Guided by Catholic teaching, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City serves those in need, regardless of their faith, through transformative, empowering and dignity-affirming social service programs that seek to eliminate material, emotional and spiritual poverty across Central and Western Oklahoma. Services include, but are not limited to, women’s & children’s day sanctuary, counseling,…