Showing 145 - 156 of 433 results

Child finds safety and stable home in U.S.

Story - December 11, 2018 - Luz*, 4 years old, was living with her grandmother in El Salvador after her parents abandoned her. Her grandmother did not take good care of her, and she ended up being sexually molested by an older cousin. Her home environment was very unstable, and she was often left alone as a very young child. Her…

CCUSA, CHA, USCCB ask Congress to support Medicaid postpartum coverage

News - November 10, 2022 - Catholic Charities USA, the Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA) and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) urges Congress to establish 12-month Medicaid postpartum coverage and Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance continuous coverage for children as required federal benefits. Making postpartum coverage mandatory for all Medicaid programs would not only save…

CCUSA letter urges Congress to limit economic impact of COVID-19

News - March 11, 2020 - CCUSA urges Congress and the Administration to enact immediate and effective policies and appropriations to limit the impact of COVID-19, to support and protect lives, and stabilize our economy. Read the full letter.

New York tenants at risk of eviction as moratorium comes to end

Story - June 22, 2020 - As New York’s court system prepares to hear cases again and the June 20 expiration of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s moratorium on evictions approaches, Antonio Garcia, an official of Catholic Charities of New York, said the agency is prepared to help at-risk tenants. On March 20, Cuomo announced the 90-day moratorium to protect residential and commercial…

CCUSA urges inclusion of critical elements in Tax Cuts and Job Act

News - December 14, 2017 - Catholic Charities USA wrote to the members of the Conference Committee for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act urging them to include several critical elements in any tax reform: to prioritize relief for those living in poverty; to foster a culture of giving; to promote family stability; to expand affordable housing; to promote family economic…

U.S. Catholic community supports robust use of TPS

News - July 19, 2022 - Alexandria, Va. – In a letter to the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of State, U.S. Catholic leaders expressed gratitude for several recent country designations for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and called for the same status for additional countries that are experiencing armed conflict, environmental disasters and other dangerous conditions. Catholic Charities USA…

Public charge assessment separates family

Story - December 11, 2018 - Prior to coming to the United States, Dr. Ali* was a renowned cardiac surgeon in Syria, father of three young children, and the husband of a talented anesthesiologist. As the violence escalated in Syria, Dr. Ali’s brother was tortured to death by Syrian intelligence officers, his father-in-law was killed by a barrel bomb, and his…

CCUSA, CHA comment on proposed changes to Medicaid eligibility

News - November 7, 2022 - Catholic Charities USA and the Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA) submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on proposed rulemaking to streamline the Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program, and Basic Health Program application, eligibility determination, enrollment and renewal process. CHA and CCUSA, guided by the singular mission of…

CCUSA, USCCB, CRS, CRL letters to agriculture appropriations subcommittees

News - March 17, 2016 - Catholic Charities USA, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committees on Domestic Justice and Human Development and International Justice and Peace, Catholic Relief Services and Catholic Rural Life address the moral and human dimensions of FY 2017 Agriculture Appropriations in letters to the corresponding subcommittees of both the House and the Senate. The letters…

CCUSA calls on Congress to support housing first

News - February 5, 2020 - In a letter to Congress, Catholic Charities USA President and CEO Sister Donna Markham urged members to adopt a Housing First approach to tackling housing instability in America. Housing First is an evidence-based approach to addressing housing instability by eliminating barriers to access housing. Once a family is housed, Catholic Charities agencies can then administer…

N.Y. Archdiocese, partner offer COVID-19 tests in underserved communities

Story - June 17, 2020 - An organization whose work was praised by Pope Francis late last year has partnered with the Archdiocese of New York to offer free COVID-19 testing in predominantly Latino communities in and around New York City. In a June 15 news release, SOMOS Community Care, a network of more than 2,500 medical providers in the New…

CCUSA, USCCB call for a third disaster supplemental aid package

News - December 12, 2017 - Sister Donna Markham OP, PhD, president and CEO of Catholic Charities USA, joined Bishop Frank Dewane, chairman of the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, in writing a letter to the House of Representatives urging swift action on a third disaster supplemental aid package. The devastating consequences…