CCUSA expresses concern about executive action limiting asylum access

June 5, 2024

Catholic social teaching affirms the right of each nation to regulate its borders, but policies that achieve this goal should be developed and applied in a manner that respects and upholds human dignity. The executive action announced by the administration on June 4 is concerning because it will restrict and slow access to asylum and other protections for families and children fleeing violence and persecution, potentially leaving them in unsafe conditions or in indefinite detention at the U.S./Mexico border.  

As we have done for years and with greater frequency and urgency over the past decade, CCUSA continues to emphasize the critical need for serious, bipartisan reforms that establish expanded legal pathways for seeking admission and protection in the United States, address current migration trends at the border, and enhance border and national security measures. Without those reforms, our immigration system will remain broken. The Catholic Charities network will continue providing critical humanitarian aid and other services to those in need who arrive at our doorsteps, as our faith compels us to do. 

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