Budget Reconciliation should prioritize Affordable Housing and Child Tax Credit for those who need it most
Alexandria, Va. – October 14, 2021 – In a letter to Congressional leadership, Sister Donna Markham, president and CEO of Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA), one the nation’s largest social services providers, urged Congress to prioritize investments that help individuals and families who are most in need.
“As you look for savings within the proposed budget reconciliation legislation, we urge you to prioritize investments that reduce poverty, such as affordable housing and a refundable Child Tax Credit (CTC), especially for those with limited or no income. Though we highlight these two programs, we maintain strong support for multiple priorities including child care, EITC, paid family leave, telehealth, home and community-based services, Medicare, and the protection of life, among others.”
Click here to read the full contents of today’s letter.
Click here to access CCUSA’s Budget Reconciliation letter from August of 2021.
In 2020, the Catholic Charities’ nationwide network provided essential services to more than 15 million people. To learn more, please visit www.CatholicCharitiesUSA.org