CCUSA praises redesignation of Temporary Protected Status for Haitians

Alexandria, Va. — Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) praises the Biden Administration’s decision over the weekend to grant a new 18-month designation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to persons from Haiti.
Sister Donna Markham OP, PhD, President and CEO of CCUSA said, “Granting TPS recognizes the continued poverty-stricken conditions of Haiti and relieves those living here from their constant fear of deportation. This policy will benefit Haitians who are not yet able to return to their homeland, but want to live productive lives in the United States to support their loved ones back home.”
Catholic Charities agencies throughout the United States provide multiple services to newcomers through humanitarian relief, pastoral care and legal services, as a witness to the Church’s commitment “to welcome the stranger” among us.
CCUSA advocates for policies that protect family unity and allow newcomers an opportunity to contribute and participate more fully in our communities. Last year, Catholic Charities assisted over 393,000 immigrants, refugees and asylees.