CCUSA opposes USCIS proposed rule eliminating means-tested benefit option
CCUSA has issued a letter opposing the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service’s (USCIS) proposed rule regarding eliminating the option to apply for a fee waiver based on receipt of a means-tested benefit. The proposal also includes the rescission of the current policy memorandum on fee waivers. The positive attributes produced from the fee waiver process in its current form to not only immigrants applying for benefits but also legal service providers and USCIS itself are clear in terms of procedural efficiency. Furthermore, low-income legal service providers, including our Catholic Charities agencies, will face heightened levels of difficulty in serving an already underrepresented immigrant community. The proposed changes drastically and unjustifiably increase time, expense, and burdens on applicants, their representatives, and on USCIS itself. For these reasons, USCIS’ proposal should be withdrawn in its entirety. Read the full letter here