Alexandria, Va. – Sister Donna Markham OP, PhD, president and CEO of Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) expressed her deep concern about today’s vote by the House of Representatives to replace the Affordable Care Act with the American Health Care Act (AHCA).
“The vote falls far short of protecting the millions of Americans who have insurance or gained it under the Affordable Care Act. It also fails to provide access to affordable healthcare for the millions who still live without coverage,” Sister Donna stated. Across the country, Catholic Charities agencies provided health care-related services to nearly one million individuals each year.
CCUSA’s work is rooted in the Church’s moral and social teaching which holds, in accordance with human dignity, that health care is a basic human right. Catholic Charities agencies see firsthand the devastating consequences of inadequate health care. The agencies know individuals living on the streets because of untreated mental health problems. They work with persons who have physical disabilities and oftentimes are unable to get access to long-term treatment. They encounter families who have to decide whether they should feed their families or pay for their health premiums.