CCUSA responds to president’s FY2016 proposed budget

Alexandria, Va. (February 3, 2015) – In response to yesterday’s release of President Obama’s FY2016 proposed budget, Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) calls on the White House and Congress to firmly prioritize efforts to help the more than 45 million individuals living in poverty in America to achieve a better life.
Brian Corbin, CCUSA’s Senior Vice President of Social Policy said the following:
“The release of the President’s budget is an annual reminder of what’s at stake in debates over policies and programs. These decisions cannot be made in a vacuum, but must take into account the reality of what is happening on the ground in communities across America.
“So many of us have been inspired by the example of Pope Francis and his summons to put aside business as usual to build a society that truly cares for the vulnerable in our midst.
“We believe that there is an opportunity for the President and Congress to work together on areas of common ground – and strengthening opportunities for those working to get themselves out of poverty is one of these areas. We call on Congress and the White House to work together on a responsible budget that provides much-needed support to the most vulnerable in our society and addresses the impending challenges posed by sequestration.
“In the days and months ahead, as we debate how we go forward as a nation, we can’t forget that our budget – the blueprint for how we allocate our resources – is a moral document. While Catholic Charities agencies, and many other faith-based non-profits, will continue to work with families and individuals on the brink, we know that in order for our nation to truly make a significant change in the numbers of those in poverty, we need support and commitment from the for-profit sector and from government. We cannot do this alone.”
In its work to reduce poverty, CCUSA’s theory of change is based on the four principles of Catholic Social Teaching found in the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church: Respect for human dignity, the common good, solidarity, and subsidarity. Additionally, CCUSA looks at all policy proposals through the pillars of its Campaign to Reduce Poverty in America: Food security, health care, housing, education and workforce development, and family economic security.